OPTIC 2022 Student Paper Award Notification

Uploaded on 2022.12.03


報到時間: 12/04(Sun) 10:45~11:00

典禮時間: 12/04(Sun) 11:00~12:30

報到地點: TR-A002
* Student Paper awards will be presented at the closing ceremony. Please register at the entrance of TR-A002 15 minutes before the closing ceremony started. After the ceremony, the award winners will get the attendance fee at the registration desk (Photo ID is necessary). The award winners who did not attend the closing ceremony and receive the award, please stop by the office of the Department of Optical and Photonics, National Central University during the official hours.

Registration time: 12/04(Sun) 10:45~11:00

Closing Ceremony: 12/04(Sun) 11:00~12:30

Registration desk: TR-A002

OPTIC 2022 Student Paper Oral Award (PDF)

OPTIC 2022 Student Paper Poster Award (PDF)