Session Index

S1. Nanophotonic Materials and Devices

Poster Session II
Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022  09:00-11:00
Room: 3F TR-A318

Manuscript ID.  0272
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P001
Chia-Hung Wu Nonscattering Detection of Unidirectional Surface Plasmon Polaritons with Graphene – an Optoelectronic Device in Plasmonic Nanocircuits
Chia-Hung Wu, Kuo-Ping Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

In this study, the light–matter interaction between graphene and surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) was investigated. For realizing improved integration in nanocircuits, single-layer graphene was added to asymmetric SPP nanoantenna arrays for nonscattering detection in the near field. The developed device is capable of detecting the controlled propagation of SPPs with a photoresponsivity of 15 mA/W, which paves the way for new-generation on-chip optical communication.


Manuscript ID.  0471
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P002
Wei-Sheng Guo High-Efficiency Large-Area Metalenses Using i-line photolithography with intelligent reticle modification
Wei-Sheng Guo, NYCU (Taiwan)

In this study, we demonstrate large area and high efficiency near-infrared (NIR) metalenses with a diameter of 1.5mm and NA 0.45 in the 1550nm operating wavelength using i-line photolithography procedure with model based Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) and Rule-based model. The lithography model for photoresist image simulation consists of Hopkin’s partially coherent image formation and fully convolutional network(FCN). We produce 64% efficiency metalenses with model based OPC, and we also have realized 51% efficiency a diameter of 8mm metalenses with rule-based model. In conclusion, we introduce deep learning model and rule model to decrease the time and money expense.


Manuscript ID.  0867
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P003
Chia-Yun Li Micro-scale InGaN Resonant-cavity Light-Emitting Membranes
Chia-Yun Li, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)

InGaN-based resonant-cavity light-emitting membranes (RC-LEM) had been
demonstrated by separating from the μ-GaN/sapphire substrate. Porous GaN distributed Bragg
reflectors and membrane separated process have been fabricated through the two-step
electrochemical etching processes. The vertical-type EL emission spectra of the μ-RC-LEM
were measured on the conductive ITO/glass substrate. By tuning the cavity length on ITO
layer, the cavity-mode emission spectra of the μ-RC-LEM structure has been observed clearly
at 455nm with narrow emission line-width property.


Manuscript ID.  0303
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P004
Kuan-Lin Chiang Topological optimization calculations for photonics and piezoelectric components
Kuan-Lin Chiang, Tsung-Sheng Kao, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We design the achromatic metalens, the light-enhanced structure of perovskite and piezoelectric energy harvester by using the gradient-based topology optimization. These work demonstrate that topology optimization as inverse design tool can get better result and faster design than the conventional way.


Manuscript ID.  0616
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P005
Chih-Kai Chang Enhancing surface plasmon resonance image detection of periodic nanostructure using color CCD with filter
Chih-Kai Chang, Pei-Kuen Wei, Shu-Cheng Lo, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)

In this work, we try to improve the contrast of surface plasmon resonance image (SPRi) and detection limit .Before experiment we use FDTD of lumerical software to simulate and make sure contrast of SPRi will improve. In the experiment use color CCD and filter that have the center wavelength close to the SPR mode peak and dip to increase the image contrast. Finally,transmit type γ slope is four times better than those without filter and detection limit decrease one order.


Manuscript ID.  0270
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P006
Chun-Yen Chen Polarization insensitive high directive Vertical Metamaterials Perfect Absorber and Emitter
Chun-Yen Chen, Hao-Yuan Tsai, Ta-Jen Yen, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan); Che-Chin Chen, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute (Taiwan)

In this study, we utilize the metal stress-driven self-folding method to design and fabricate flower-shaped vertical metamaterials that work as perfect absorber and emitter structures. The advantage of the metal stress-driven self-folding method is that a stereoscopic structure can be formed directly from a planar pattern without multiple and complicated exposure steps. In our result, we can demonstrate the flower-shaped metamaterials perfect absorber with over 97% absorbance. The perfect absorber and perfect emitter with high directivity at different temperatures are performed and show great potential in IR molecule sensing, tunable IR light source, and IR color routing.


Manuscript ID.  0243
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P007
Yu-Wei Liao Enhanced Valley-Polarized Emission of monolayer WS2 with Plasmonic Chiral Structure at Room-temperature
Yu-Wei Liao, Min-Wen Yu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Kuo-Ping Chen, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

The intrinsic spin-valleys in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), making them be promising candidates for developing next-generation valleytronic and spintronic quantum devices. Recently, hexagonal WS2 (h-WS2) with triangular heterogeneous defect domains show the promising results in valley polarized emission at room temperature. In this work, we proposed two different types of monolayer WS2¬ both shows great selectively valley-polarized photoluminescence (PL) by combining with plasmonic-nanostructures. Chiral plasmonic –nanostructure has circular polarized dependence, when combining with h-WS2, the device can strongly enhance the circular polarized selective of PL.


Manuscript ID.  0416
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P008
K. F. Lin Single-mode operation of coupled microdisk lasers based on parity-time symmetry
K. F. Lin, C.Y. Xu, Tsong-Sheng Lay, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)

The PT-symmetry single-mode lasers are successfully implemented by the laterally coupled double microdisk lasers of InGaAs quantum dots. Under single selective pumping (gain-loss contrast) at room temperature, the laterally coupled double microdisk lasers of d = 150nm, and 200nm show single lasing mode at WGM m = 1,21 (wavelength= 1199nm).


Manuscript ID.  0662
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P009
Chi-Tang Huang Analyses of transmissive and reflective spectra of chiral nematics with Helfrich deformation using Berreman 4 × 4 matrix method
Chi-Tang Huang, Su-Hui Cheng, Ko-Ting Cheng, National Central University (Taiwan)

The spectral characteristics of chiral nematics (N*) with the Helfrich deformation is investigated, which differ from those of the common N*. The leading cause of this phenomenon is verified by the Berreman 4 × 4 matrix simulation, and which is concluded to be similar to the waveguide effect due to such structures. Besides, the bandwidth variations between transmissive and reflective spectra are deduced to be caused by the phenomenon of lights reflected back and forth between the middle and edge layers.


Manuscript ID.  0687
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P010
Jie-Sin Jhong Continuously linear-polarization rotators based on a liquid crystal wedge cell
Yu-Tse Wang, Jie-Sin Jhong, Chi-Tang Huang, Cheng-Kai Liu, Ko-Ting Cheng, National Central University (Taiwan)

In this study, the continuously tunable linear-polarization rotators are fabricated by cholesteric liquid crystals (CLCs) having a non-integer periodic structure in space by the wedge-shaped LC cell. With the characteristics of CLCs, a continuously linear-polarization rotation can be obtained at different position of the CLC cell.


Manuscript ID.  0708
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P011
Chia-Jong Chou Near infrared random laser from organic dye covered silk fibroin film
Chia-Jong Chou, Shwu-Yun Tsay, Ja-Hon Lin, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

The near infrared (NIR) random laser has been demonstrate by adopting LDS 722 organic dye as a gain medium on top of
biocompatible silk fibroin (SF) films. As pump energy increases, the multiple emission spikes were excited owing to the recurrent light scattering between laser dye and SF film to form coherent feedback. Under the different excited location, we demonstrated that the highest emission spike at 709.5 nm can be excited with lower threshold around 0.84 µJ.


Manuscript ID.  0786
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P012
Fong-En Cai Performance Enhancement of Single-Junction GaAs Solar Cell Using Plasmonic Effects of Indium Nanoparticles Sheet Embedded in SiO2 Anti-Reflective Layer
Fong-En Cai, Wen-Jeng Ho, Jheng-Jie Liu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

In this study, the performance enhancement of single-junction GaAs solar cell was demonstrated using indium nanoparticles (In-NPs) embedded in SiO2 anti-reflective layer. The dependence of distance between the In-NPs sheet and the surface of single-junction solar cell resulted in plasmonic effect on the weighted average of reflectance (RW), external quantum efficiency (EQE), and conversion efficiency (η) were investigated. The obtained results showed that the In-NPs sheet embedded in SiO2 and 12 nm away from the surface of solar cell had the highest conversion efficiency enhancement of 21.17% due to near-field plasmonic effect.


Manuscript ID.  0168
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P013
Yu-Chuan Lin Robust slow-light in one-dimensional conjugated topological photonic crystals
Yu-Zhe Zhang, National Taiwan University (Taiwan), National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan); Shih-Hung Cheng, Wen-Jeng Hsueh, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Yu-Chuan Lin, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan)

Robust slow-light and topological edge-states have attracted more attention due to their high potential applications for nonlinear optics, enhanced light-matter interaction and optical computing. This study finds that the robust slow-light of 26.57 m/s group velocity is achieved in a conjugated topological photonic crystal.


Manuscript ID.  0487
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P014
Wei-En Wang Photonic band gap materials based on amorphous trivalent networks with low orderness
Wei-En Wang, Yu-Chueh Hung, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

In this study, we present amorphous trivalent networks generated by bond swapping, yielding unique geometrical properties that haven’t been reported previously. The structures exhibit low levels of orderness, indicated by measures of local similarity and ring distribution, yet a photonic band gap (PBG) can still be observed. Our results provide new strategies for the design of PBG materials and may also facilitate the understanding toward the origin of PBG in disorder media.


Manuscript ID.  0341
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P015
Po-Hsun Chi Photoluminescence Enhancement of DCJTB by Photoinduced Silver Nanoparticles on Ferroelectric Lithography Substrate
Po-Hsun Chi, Hao-En Chang, National Taiwan Ocean University (Taiwan); Po-Sheng Huang, Pin Chieh Wu, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan); Li-Ming Chiang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Tzyy-Jiann Wang, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Chung-Ting Chou Chao, National Taiwan Ocean University (Taiwan); Tsung Sheng Kao, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Min-Hsiung Shih, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Yuan-Fong Chou Chau, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei); Hai-Pang Chiang, National Taiwan Ocean University (Taiwan)

We demonstrate a tunable ferroelectric lithography plasmon-enhanced substrate to generate photo-reduced silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and achieve enhanced photoluminescence (PL) with a shortened lifetime of DCJTB depending on the substrate’s annealing time. The enhanced PL can attribute to the localized electromagnetic (EM) wave produced by the nanotextured AgNPs layers' surface and gap plasmon resonances. The remarkable enhanced PL of DCJTB can attain in the fabricated periodically proton exchanged (PPE) lithium niobate (LiNbO3) substrate. Compared with the un-annealed substrate, the PL intensity of DCJTB in the assembly metallic nanostructures is enhanced 13.70 times, and the PL’s lifetime is reduced by 12.50%, respectively.


Manuscript ID.  0724
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P016
Shao-Chien Pan Random lasing from all-inorganic perovskite on top of rose pedal replica silk fibroin film
Shao-Chien Pan, Shwu-Yun Tsay, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Zong-Liang Tseng, Ming Chi University of Technology (Taiwan); Ja-Hon Lin, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

The random lasing characteristic from irregular alignment of all-inorganic CsPbBr3 QDs film on rose pedal replica silk fibroin (RPR-SF) film has been investigated through the pump of Q-switched laser. Here, the nanostructure on SF film was produced by the soft-lithography from rose pedal. In comparison to the CsPbBr3 QDs film on SF film, the threshold of RL is reduce from 5.04 to 1.75 μJ and the slope efficiency is increase with the assistance of nano-structured SF film. It is attributed to the enhancement of recurrent light scattering between QDs and SF film to increase the photon confinement.


Manuscript ID.  0325
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P017
Yu-Chamg Chang Using F4TCNQ-doped CuSCN film as the hole injection layer for quantum dot light-emitting diodes
Ming-Ru Wen, Yu-Chamg Chang, Sheng-Hsiung Yang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

The pristine and F4TCNQ-doped copper thiocyanate (CuSCN) films were utilized as the HIL for the fabrication of quantum dot light-emitting diodes (QLEDs). The F4TCNQ-doped CuSCN film has a smoother surface and higher hole mobility compared to the pristine one. The best QLED was achieved with 0.02 wt% F4TCNQ-doped CuSCN film, revealing a low turn-on voltage of 3.6 V, a current efficiency of 35.1 cd A−1, and a maximum brightness of 169,230 cd m−2.


Manuscript ID.  0330
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P018
Zong-Xuan She Using ZnCo2O4 nanoparticles as the HTL for fabricating perovskite solar cells with long-term stability
Bo-Rong Jheng, Zong-Xuan She, Sheng-Hsiung Yang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

ZnCo2O4 nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared by a chemical precipitation method as the HTL in inverted perovskite solar cells (PSCs). The compact and smooth surface of the ZnCo2O4 NPs layer helped to grow pinhole-free perovskite film with larger grain size compare to the PEDOT:PSS film. The inverted PSCs based on the ZnCo2O4 NPs layer sustained 85% of its initial efficiency after 240 hr continuous exposure under 1000 W/m2 halogen lamp matrix, whereas the efficiency of the device based on PEDOT:PSS dropped to only 0.5% of its initial efficiency after 144 hr storage.


Manuscript ID.  0698
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P019
Hao-Sheng TIAN The Research of Material-Dependent Topological Valley Edge States in Photonic Crystals
Wen-Chun Hsieh, Hao-Sheng TIAN, Pi-Gang Luan, National Central University (Taiwan)

In this work, we study the topological valley edge states at the interface between two photonic
crystals (PhCs) [1,2] of dielectric cylinders arranged at honeycomb lattices [3-5]. For three materials, the
dispersion relations for the valley edge states are calculated by using the plane wave expansion method with
properly chosen supercells, and the time-dependent propagating behaviors of the these edge states are simulated
with the Finite-Difference-Time-Domain (FDTD) method.


Manuscript ID.  0854
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P020
Kai-Yang HSU Effects of VIII ratios on Size Distribution and Density of InAs/InGaAs Quantum Dots on GaAs
Kai-Yang HSU, Yung-Jyun Liao, Hou-Yi Chen, Shih-Chen Yu, Wei-Sheng Liu, Yuan Ze University (Taiwan)

In this study, the effects of V/III ratio during the epitaxy growth of InAs quantum dots within the InGaAs/InAs/InGaAs dots-in-a-well structure was investigated to improve the dot size uniformity, dot density, and optical properties of InAs quantum dots (QDs). The results of the study found that a lower V/III ratio can improve the growth quality of quantum dots with reduced coalescent dots


Manuscript ID.  0572
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P021
Jeng Yi Lee Bidirectional transparency and coherent perfect absorption-lasing in finite periodic PT-symmetric waveguide networks
Jeng Yi Lee, National Dong Hwa University (Taiwan)

By applying a parametrization to one-dimensional PT-symmetry transfer matrix as well as a consideration of the non-imaginary value of the Bloch phase, we display the formation of coherent perfect absorption-lasing (CPAL) and bidirectional transparency occurred at a finite periodic waveguide network composed of unit cells having a parity-time (PT) symmetry. The results goes beyond any operating frequency, system configurations, and materials. By embedding a proper number of unit cells and operating at specific phases, the finite periodic systems can exhibit anomalous wave scattering entirely different to that of its unit cell.


Manuscript ID.  0507
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P022
Jing-Ya Lin Design NIR Broadband Reflector and Transmission Filter Based on Guided-Mode Resonance (GMR) Structure
Jing-Ya Lin, Peichen Yu, Yu-Teng Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We made a grating structure with the guided-mode resonance (GMR) and subwavelength periodic structure characteristics so that it has broadband features and high reflectivity. Because of the Fabry-Perot resonance and leaky Bloch mode interference, we change the thickness of the sublayer to generate a transmission filter.


Manuscript ID.  0697
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P023
Jia Sheng Liu Finite Difference Time Domain Modeling of the Topological Phase Transition and Edge States of Photonic Topological Insulators in Metal Honeycomb Structures
Jia Sheng Liu, Hung Yu Chang, Shih-hui Chang, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

Quantum spin Hall effect with one-way propagating topological edge states without adding magnetic fields and breaking the time-reversal symmetry has inspired photonics topological insulator research. We use finite-difference time-domain method to study the one-way propagation Pseudospin edge states at the interface in plasmonic topological insulators and study its topological Chern numbers by Wilson loop approach.


Manuscript ID.  0750
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P024
Zong-Xuan She Preparation and photovoltaic application of nickel oxide nanoflakes
Chih-Yu Chang, Zong-Xuan She, Sheng-Hsiung Yang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We developed a three-stage method to prepare NiOx nanoflakes as the hole transport layer
(HTL) in the inverted perovskite solar cells (PSCs). The deposited perovskite films on NiOx
nanoflakes with larger grain sizes and fewer boundaries were obtained, implying higher
photogenerated current and fill factors in our PSCs compared to the NiOx thin film. The optimized
PSC based on the NiOx nanoflakes showed the highest efficiency of 14.21% and little hysteresis,
which outperformed the NiOx thin film as the HTL. Furthermore, the device maintained 83% of its
initial efficiency after 60 days storage.


Manuscript ID.  0245
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P025
Chi-Wen Chen Refractive index lasing sensor based on bound states in the continuum
Chi-Wen Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Kuo-Ping Chen, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

In this research, a refractive index sensing based on quasi-bound states in the continuum (Q-BIC) at visible wavelength was demonstrated. Via internal excitation, Q-BIC can lase at the resonance wavelength, and the FWHM can much smaller than the reflectance resonance peak; thus, the FoM can be extensively improved. This Q-BIC sensing structure achieves a sensitivity of 191.91 nm/RIU and FoM is 611.47 on experiment.


Manuscript ID.  0624
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P026
Sheng-Joue Young High-Performance UV Photodetectors based on Ag/ZnO Nanostructures with a Simple Photochemical Process at Low Temperature
Sheng-Joue Young, Yu-Jhih Chu, Yen-Lin Chu, Po-Kai Chen, Shih-Hsin Tsai, National United University (Taiwan)

High-quality one-dimensional ZnO nanorods (NRs) were successfully manufactured via the low-cost hydrothermal method. FE-SEM, HR-TEM, and XRD patterns of the hydrothermally as-grown NR arrays exhibited the hexagonal wurtzite structure with a single crystal property and preferentially oriented along the c-axis direction. The ZnO photodetectors (PDs) with and without adsorbed Ag NPs were labeled Ag@ZO-1 and Ag@ZO-0 NR arrays, respectively. The dark currents (Idark) of Ag@ZO-0 and Ag@ZO-1 PDs were 4.9 × 10−8 and 7.0 × 10−9 A, with photocurrents (Iph) under UV illumination of 1.30 × 10−6 and 1.34 × 10−5 A, respectively at 1 V.


Manuscript ID.  0700
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P027
Li-Hong Chang The Research of Non-Hermitian Second-Order Topological Electric Circuits
Chuan-Han Chung, Li-Hong Chang, Pi-Gang Luan, National Central University (Taiwan)

In this work, zero-dimensional corner states of voltage distribution on two-dimensional electric circuits are studied. Since the circuits contain not only capacitors and inductors, but also resistors, the dynamics of the circuit systems are non-Hermitian. In addition, since the dimension of a corner state is lower than the dimension of the system by 2, the topological corner states are characterized as the second-order topological states.


Manuscript ID.  0763
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P028
Jen-Feng Hsu Exciton-phonon interaction of FAPbI3 nanocrystal’s film
Jen-Feng Hsu, Ja-Hon Lin, Tsung-Lin Wu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Zong-Liang Tseng, Institute of Department of Electronic Engineering and Organic Electronics Research Center (Taiwan)

We investigated the exciton-phonon interaction of FAPbI3 QDs films under photoluminescence (PL) measurement through precisely temperature control. As temperature increases from 78 to 300 K, the blue shift of emission photon energy around 20.2 meV and phase transition of FAPbI3 QDs film have been observed. Through well-fitting of intensity and FWHM as a function of temperature by the Arrhenius equation and Bose−Einstein statistics, the relatively high binding energy Eb around 82.2 meV and LO phonon energy Eph around 121.0 eV have also been derived.


Manuscript ID.  0014
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P029
Zu-Po Yang Broadband TiN disordered metasurface absorbers
Chun-Chieh Chang, Shin-Chun Kuo, National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan); Hsyi-En Cheng, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Hou-Tong Chen, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Zu-Po Yang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We experimentally demonstrate titanium nitride (TiN) broadband metasurface perfect absorbers by conformally coating plasmonic TiN films onto disordered anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) nanotemplates. The disordered metasurface absorbers exhibit polarization-insensitive and weak angle-dependent perfect absorption over the entire visible and near-infrared spectral regions.


Manuscript ID.  0771
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P030
Ting-Wei Huang Ni(OH)2 Prepared by Hydrothermal as Catalyst on Indium Gallium Nitride for Water Splitting
Yu-Tsun Yao, Ting-Wei Huang, Mao-Sheng Chou, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan); Ming-Lun Lee, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Jinn-Kong Sheu, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

Preparing the efficient as well as the earth-abundant metal electrocatalysts is important in water-splitting practices to understand renewable energy systems. Suffered from photocorrosion, the performance of indium gallium nitride (InGaN) based photoelectrode degrades while in the process of water-splitting. This study mainly discusses the method to enhance the durability of InGaN in photoelectrochemical (PEC) systems by decorating Ni(OH)2. Typically, Ni(OH)2 is a good catalyst, thus the addition of such catalysts can enhance the transference at the interface between the photoelectrode and the electrolyte.


Manuscript ID.  0419
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P031
Y. D. Tsai The Time Response of MgZnO MSM UV Photodetectors by RF Sputter on Different Substrates
Y. D. Tsai, Chun-Kai Wang, Yu-Zung Chiou, L. R. Huang, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

In this study, the MgZnO MSM UV PDs grown by RF sputter on sapphire, quartz, and ZnO substrates were fabricated and investigated. The MgZnO thin films annealed at 700 °C have the best photo-to-dark current ratio due to the optimal film grains size and density. These three PDs simultaneously show an obvious persistent photoconductivity effect, especially for the MgZnO thin film on quartz substrate. In addition, the MgZnO thin film on ZnO substrate accomplishes a better time response due to fewer oxygen vacancies and better film quality.


Manuscript ID.  0449
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P032
Yao Rong Sow Plasmon thin film transistor of Al/Hf co-doped ZnO nanolayer channel
Yao Rong Sow, Sheng-Chieh Huang, Tsong-Sheng Lay, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)

Plasmon thin film transistors of Al/Hf co-doped ZnO nanolayer channel are deposited on ITO substrates by atomic layer deposition. Au nanoparticles are formed on the top surface of channel layer of thin film transistor by rapid thermal process of 5nm gold thin film. In addition to the photocurrent gain IDS = 6.6x10-5 A under UV light ( 350nm) by ZnO bandgap absorption, green light( 550nm) absorption of IDS = 1.6x10-5 A by LSPR is observed at VGS = 10V and VDS = 30V.


Manuscript ID.  0015
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P033
Xiao-Hui Chen Performance of IGZO Thin-Film Transistors with Double Insulating Layer
Xiao-Hui Chen, Yi-Jei Kao, Shih-Chang Shei, National University of Tainan (Taiwan)

This study is to fabricate indium gallium zinc oxide(IGZO) thin film transistors(TFTs) on glass substrates. The experiment is divided into two parts.
The first part of the experiment is the deposition of IGZO, and the use of X-ray diffractometer, surface profiler(Alpha-step measurement), UV-visible light spectrometer, ellipsometer, Hall effect measurement to detect and analyze material properties under different argon and oxygen ratios to find the best sputtering conditions.
The second part is to fabricate IGZO TFTs with SiO2 single insulating layer and SiO2/HfO2 double insulating layer with thicknesses of 170/30nm, 180/20nm and 190/10nm, respectively. Use semiconductor parameter analyzer to measure device characteristics.


Manuscript ID.  0591
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P034
Yu-Chun Lin Designed processes of Gallium-doped ZnO thin Film to apply on touch sensing property
Yu-Chun Lin, Chia-Hsien Teng, Yen-Sheng Lin, I-Shou University (Taiwan)

In this study, the Gallium-doped ZnO thin film had been deposited by RF sputtering and was used as the material for the touch sensor. After the analysis of various loading test, the structure had been deposited as PC/100 nm GZO with nitrogen/200 nm GZO under the condition of IN=1, IT=7.5 min, and that the nitrogen flux is 1.5 sccm, the thin film has the highest resistance change rate(sensitivity) as 36.54%, and the difference of sensitivity under various loading decrease to 12.14%, which confirm the designed GZO thin film has potentially to apply on touch sensor.


Manuscript ID.  0846
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P035
Yung-Jyun Liao Optimization of the growth temperature and periods for improving the optical properties of SWIR Type-II super lattice for Infrared Photodetectors
Yung-Jyun Liao, Hou-Yi Chen, Pin-Chih Liu, Balaji. G, Kai-Yang Hsu, Wei-Sheng Liu, Yuan Ze University (Taiwan); Jen-Inn Chyi, National Central University (Taiwan)

In this study, we have used molecular beam epitaxy to grow the Type-II super lattice structure. By changing the temperature and increasing the periods, we studied structural and optical properties to determine the epitaxial quality of the surface. X-ray diffraction pattern shows that the sample A had a lower rocking curve full width half maximum (FWHM) of 15.1 sec. Low temperature PL was studied for the sample and the spectrum revealed an intensity of 320 μV at wavelength of 2660 nm.


Manuscript ID.  0508
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P036
Pei-Chin Huang Enhancement of Au-based SERS substrate performance for bacterial detection
Pei-Chin Huang, Yi-Syun Fang, Chih-Chia Huang, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

We demonstrated a photo-induced reaction to increase the deposition density of Au-nanoparticles on the cellulose substrate. It performed about 5-10 times amplification when compared with light-free preparation group at 633, 785, and 1064 nm. The adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine, and xanthine were detectable to be nanomolar concentration regions with the designed SERS substrate. In addition, we found a strong and oriented adsorption property for adenine which could be developed to sense a low-concentration of bacteria-related metabolite (i.e., adenine and xanthine). The SERS signals of the release of adenine and xanthine molecules from the 100-102 CFU/mL was responsive within 6 hrs.


Manuscript ID.  0514
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P037
Pin-Han Lee Ultrafast GeSn Photoconductor for THz Detection
Pin-Han Lee, Wang-Chien Chen, Chia-Wei Chang, Shang-Hua Yang, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

In this work, we demonstrated a THz detector of phosphorus doped GeSn photoconductor. The fabrication process of GeSn is low cost and CMOS compatible therefore it fulfills mass production. This result shows that GeSn can be developed in Terahertz science and technology.


Manuscript ID.  0496
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P038
Ssu-Hsuan Wu Utility of Concave Double-Walled AgAu and AgAuPd Nanocubes as a potential biosensing platform for cellular metabolites
Ssu-Hsuan Wu, Tzu-Chi Huang, Chih-Chia Huang, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

We develop a one-pot redox reaction to fabricate concave double-shell AgAu (CD-AgAu) and CD-AgAu:Pd nanocubes. Due to high-surface-area from the double-shell structures of the 2.8%Pd-doped CD-AgAu nanocubes, they demonstrate catalysis reaction for the complete conversion of nitrothiophenol at ≤30 s. Similarly, CD-AgAu:2.8%Pd nanocubes showed excellent GOR efficiency. The results of electrochemical measurements indicate that the CD-AgAu: 2.8%Pd nanocubes enhance the catalytic efficiency of 4-NTP. Besides, CD-AgAu:Pd nanocubes possess concave structures that exhibit superior surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Thus, CD-AgAu and CD-AgAu:2.8%Pd nanocubes could be used to sense the primary cellular metabolites which was response to toxic molecule because apoptosis happened.


Manuscript ID.  0918
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P039
Rohit Gupta Modulation in Localized Surface Plasmons by Surface Acoustic Wave
Rohit Gupta, Kuntal Barman, Jian-Jang Huang, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

Surface acoustic wave (SAW) on a localized surface plasmon (LSP) is been studied experimentally and theoretically to unveil the properties of plasmon-phonon interaction in photonics device applications. An X-cut LiNbO3 substrate had been used to deposit Au nanoparticles, and an inter-digital transducer (IDT) was fabricated to create SAW pulses. Different plasmon dynamics and the relaxation gradient are impacted by the interaction between amplitude-varying mechanical waves and plasmonic oscillation, which results in a consistent shift in LSP absorption, has been covered extensively in this study


Manuscript ID.  0919
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0102-P040
Yue-Gang Wu Liquid crystal scattering device with dual modes
Hui-Chi Lin, Ming-Song Zhang, Yue-Gang Wu, Chien-Hung Lee, Bo-Hao Hsu, Jia-You Lian, National Formosa University (Taiwan)

Abstract: This study presents a gelator-doped liquid crystal (LC) scattering device with dual-operation modes that is the bistable mode and the dynamic mode. The LC scattering device is transparent at the null voltage and are scattering with the applied voltage of 5 V. The transmittance of light can be controlled electrically in the dynamic mode. In the bistable mode, the free-field scattering and transparent can be obtained through a voltage pulse of 10 V and the temperature control. The gelator-doped LC film can save energy more efficiently and can be be used in see-through display and smart-window applications.