Session Index

S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications

Optical Waveguides and Communications III
Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022  10:45-12:00
Presider: Hsu-Chih Cheng、Tsung-Sheng Kao
Room: B1 A002
10:45 - 11:15
Manuscript ID.  0888
Paper No.  2022-SAT-S0203-I001
Invited Speaker:
Yin-Chieh Lai
Development trends of silicon photonics coherent transceivers
Yin-Chieh Lai, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

The development of silicon photonics coherent transceivers has progressed rapidly in recent years mainly due to their technological advantages. In this talk I will review some of the recent technological breakthroughs and present some of our own works conducted by our team members at NYCU and NCU.

11:15 - 11:30
Manuscript ID.  0676
Paper No.  2022-SAT-S0203-O001
Po-Ming Yen Buried Heterostructure Waveguide Laser Using IFVD Quantum Well Intermixing
Po-Ming Yen, Chung-Wei Hsiao, Yang-Jeng Chen, Rih-You Chen, Cong-Long Chen, Yi-Jen Chiu, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

A new scheme of buried heterostructure (BH) waveguide laser defined by impurity-free vacancy diffusion (IFVD) quantum well intermixing (QWI) has been demonstrated. A stripe of SiO2 pattern was used for local QWI. A 110 nm blue shift by QWI has been attained to form a 3 μm wide BH waveguide with transmission loss of 16.8 cm-1, enabling the CW lasing performance. Output power of >2 mW in 1490 nm regime has been found in Fabry-Perot laser structure.

11:30 - 11:45
Manuscript ID.  0418
Paper No.  2022-SAT-S0203-O002
Chih-Hsien Chen Cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers for radio-frequency measurement on silicon-on-insulator
Chih-Hsien Chen, Yung-Jr Hung, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

The signatures of high channel resolution (5 GHz), compact size (3.5 mm2), low loss (2.5 dB), low crosstalk (-12.5 dB), and simplified control make the cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometer a promising solution for frequency measurement applications.

11:45 - 12:00
Manuscript ID.  0045
Paper No.  2022-SAT-S0203-O003
Yu-Shen Lin An Integrated Fiber-FSO-5G NR Sub-THz Link
Yu-Shen Lin, Yu-Sheng Tang, Yen-Xiang Chen, Hsu-Hung Huang, Hai-Han Lu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

An integrated FSO-5G NR sub-THz link through a cross-media of 20 km SMF, 500 m optical wireless, and 0.5 m RF wireless is proposed and successfully implemented. 5G NR communication operates effectively with four sub-THz frequencies of 150, 175, 200, and 225 GHz. Each sub-THz frequency carries a 25-Gbps 32-QAM-OFDM signal. By transmitting four 5G sub-THz signals, an integrated fiber-FSO-wireless link with high aggregate data rates of 100 Gbps (25 Gbps × 4) is realized.