Session Index

S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications

Poster Session II
Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022  09:00-11:00
Room: 3F TR-A318

Manuscript ID.  0374
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P001
Wei-Chieh Wang L-Band Single-Frequency Erbium Fiber Laser Based on Eight-Fiber-Ring Configuration
Wei-Chieh Wang, Chia-Jung Tsai, Yuan-You Chen, Yi-Chieh Lin, Yu-Han Lin, Chien-Hung Yeh, Shang-En Hsieh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We demonstrate a broadband and steady EDF multiple-ring laser based on the octa-ring design together with Vernier operation for achieving SLM action. The available CW tunability range from 1571.0 to 1613.0 nm in L-band window. Moreover, the related output power, SLM oscillation, OSNR and stability appearances in the laser have been also explored.


Manuscript ID.  0417
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P002
Yun-Cheng Ku Transmission of Helical Surface Plasmon Polariton via Metallic Nanohole
Yun-Cheng Ku, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Jiunn-Woei Liaw, Chang Gung University (Taiwan), Ming Chi University of Technology (Taiwan); Mao-Kuen Kuo, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

We study the propagation mode of surface plasmon polariton in metallic nanohole. The dispersion relations of SPPs in a nanohole, solved from a transcendental equation, show that SPPs of mode-1 with a propagation length larger than the other modes. When the mode-1 propagates in the nanohole, the normal component of electric displacement on the nanohole’s surface with a helical distribution and the streamlines of Poynting vector exhibit helixes. Additionally, by using COMSOL we investigate the conversion of the helical SPP reaching at the nanohole’s outlet into a spiral SPP propagating outward on the metal film’s interface with the same handedness.


Manuscript ID.  0281
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P003
Po-Hung Wu Supercontinuum generation of high-efficiency high-order mode in tantalum pentoxide waveguide
Po-Hung Wu, Feng-Jung Kao, Yi-Jen Chiu, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan); Min-Hsiung Shih, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Shuo-Yen Tsen Tsen, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan); Chao-Kuei Lee, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

The modal effective index matching is used to design the waveguide structure through Shortcuts to Adiabaticity, the TE00 mode is matched to the TE11 mode, and the coupling efficiency is 63.6%, the spanning of the supercontinuum generation is observed. Finally, the CCD can observe clearly TE11 modal.


Manuscript ID.  0104
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P004
Shang-En Hsieh Selectable and Stabilized Single-Mode Erbium Fiber Laser in C+L Band Operation
Shang-En Hsieh, Syu-Yang Jiang, Ching-Hsuan Hsu, Yu-Ting Lai, Lan-Yin Chen, Han-Shin Ko, Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Shien-Kuei Liaw, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We design a dual-ring structure with a unpumped EDF saturable absorber (SA) to achieve wide and stable single-mode C- plus L-band EDF laser applying two parallel EDFAs as the gain medium. Here, we also verify the output power, OSNR, tunability, and stability of the proposed EDF ring laser.


Manuscript ID.  0105
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P005
Ching-Hsuan Hsu Hybrid FSO-WDM Passive Network Together with Fiber Fault Prevention
Ching-Hsuan Hsu, Syu-Yang Jiang, Shang-En Hsieh, Yu-Ting Lai, Lan-Yin Chen, Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Wen-Piao Lin, Chang Gung University (Taiwan); Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

In the study, we demonstrate a hybrid self-healing FSO-WDM-PON system. Here, the available WDM channels in C- and L-bands are applied for baseband and FSO access, respectively. Besides, to prevent the fiber breakpoint in baseband fiber network, the WDM network also can provide the re-routing fiber path for reconnection.


Manuscript ID.  0200
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P006
Jyun-Ting Lin Modeling and Simulation of DWDM Gain Flattening Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers with Transient Gain Control
Jyun-Ting Lin, Yi-Jang Hsu, Yinchieh Lai, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We have developed a simulation model for characterizing DWDM gain flattening Erbium doped fiber amplifiers with transient gain control. The dynamic gain in the presence of channel add-drop under both feed-forward/feed-back pump control for achieving a constant gain can be simulated for analyzing the amplifier performance. The simulation results indicate that the EDFA transient gain excursion caused by channel add-drop can be effectively suppressed by the combinational usage of electrical feed-forward and feed-back mechanisms. Our modelling approach is novel in the respect that the feed-forward/feed-back transient gain control is integrated with the EDFA dynamic simulation for the first time.


Manuscript ID.  0201
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P007
Yuan-Zhe Lin Integrated Mode Division Multiplexer/De-Multiplexer Between Few Mode Fiber and SOI Chip by an Apodized 2D Slanted Grating Coupler
Yi-Min Wang, Yi-Jang Hsu, Hsuan-Ming Kuo, Yuan-Zhe Lin, Yinchieh Lai, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We have successfully demonstrated the possibility of implementing an integrated mode division multiplexer/de-multiplexer by utilizing an apodized 2D slanted grating coupler to multiplex/de-multiplex one fundamental (LP01) and one higher order (LP11) mode for each polarization between a few-mode fiber and the SOI chip. The whole device is composed of three parts: the 2D grating coupler, the tapered waveguides, and the MDM waveguide-type directional couplers. The design is optimized and manufactured by adopting the SOI thickness of 220nm with the 500nm top oxide and the 2 μm bottom oxide. Experimental results for proof of the concept are reported.


Manuscript ID.  0638
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P008
Sung-Ju Wu Study of the Light Emitting Diode (LED) Operating Points for Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Visible Light Communication (VLC)
Sung-Ju Wu, Wen-Kai Zhong, Jiun-Yu Sung, Shien-Kuei Liaw, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Hiroki Kishikawa, Tokushima University (Japan)

Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is commonly applied for visible light communication (VLC) to more efficiently use the limited bandwidth of a light emitting diode (LED). The operating point of the LED must be optimized to reduce the nonlinear distortion. We show that the optimal operating points are different for users at different regions. For a bit error rate (BER) criterion around 10^-3, the power penalty for users (respectively optimized) at the center and edge regions is much reduced. The optimal operating point for the edge users could be more tolerant to voltage errors and results in more uniform BER performance.


Manuscript ID.  0729
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P009
Jia-Wei Wang Fabrication of Liquid Crystal-Long Period Fiber Grating Based on Polymer Stabilized Alignment
Jia-Wei Wang, Yu-Chen Xiao, Shug-June Hwang, National United University (Taiwan)

A method to fabricate novel liquid crystal fiber device is proposed by combining liquid crystals (LCs and hollow core fiber (HCF), in which a liquid crystal long period fiber grating (LC-LPFG) is fabricated using Surface Polymer Stabilized Alignment (SPSA) technique. Owing to the photo-polymerization conditions significantly influence the morphology of fiber grating structure, the influence of UV exposure time and curing voltage on the propertied of LC-fiber were studied. Based on the experimental results, we observed the threshold voltage and saturation voltage of LC-LPFG decreased with the increase of exposure time and curing voltage, respectively


Manuscript ID.  0799
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P010
Nai-Hsiang Sun Radiation efficiencies for Enhanced Coupling Strength Gratings
Nai-Hsiang Sun, Wei-Jei Fang, Yu-Zhe Guo, Jung-Sheng Chiang, I-Shou University (Taiwan); Gary A. Evans, Jerome K. Butler, Southern Methodist University (USA)

The radiation efficiencies of enhanced coupling strength Gratings at first Bragg are calculated. The thicknesses of dielectric waveguides are increased to obtain accurate results of the radiation power.


Manuscript ID.  0448
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P011
Meng-Hua Kuo Broadband Polarization Beam Splitter Based on a Decoupled Directional Coupler
Chih-Wei Hsu, Chih-Chieh Hsu, Jheng-Wei Chien, Meng-Hua Kuo, National University of Tainan (Taiwan)

We propose a broadband polarization beam splitter based on a decoupled symmetrical directional coupler. TM mode will be decoupled at finite separation between two symmetrical rib waveguide. This design is proposed to be implemented using TSRI IMEC-SiPh process technology. Numerical simulations show that the proposed PBS has a broad bandwidth (~100 nm) with large extinction ratio (> 13.5 dB).


Manuscript ID.  0111
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P012
Hung-Ching Chung Ultra-broadband Silicon Polarization Independent 3-dB Coupler using Multi-parameter Adiabaticity Engineering
Hung-Ching Chung, Shuo-Yen Tseng, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

Adiabaticity engineering in multi-parameter is applied to design an ultra-broadband silicon polarization independent 3-dB coupler. Adiabaticity engineering can shrinks the adiabatic device lengths, maintains the advantage of large bandwidth and results in the characteristic of polarization independence in the devices. The total length is 84 um and the device exhibit a bandwidth of over 300 nm.


Manuscript ID.  0091
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P013
Ya-Fang Liu Dimensional variation tolerant shallow-ridge silicon nitride waveguide based directional couplers
Ya-Fang Liu, Chun-Wei Chi, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan); Hsing-Hsiang Wang, Wen-Hsien Huang, Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (Taiwan); Chun-Ta Wang, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

In this study, a 3dB power splitter based on a shallow-ridge silicon nitride directional coupler structure is designed, and it exhibits a power splitter ratio that is insensitive to changes in waveguide width and coupling gap. The power splitter using a shallow-ridge waveguide structure exhibits a large fabrication tolerance and can achieve a power splitter ratio close to 1:1 at 1550 nm for TE polarized light.


Manuscript ID.  0006
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P014
Po-Yu Fang Optimal Design of Microlenses for Enhancing Direct Coupling Efficiencies from Single-mode Fibers to Optical Channel Waveguides
Po-Yu Fang, Ping-Yen Chou, Ya-Chi Chuang, Keh-Yi Lee, Chinese Culture University (Taiwan)

The authors utilize the shift-or-shrink (SOS) algorithm to obtain the optimal structural parameters of microlens for maximizing the direct coupling efficiency from a single-mode fiber to an optical channel waveguide. The optimal structural parameters and the corresponding efficiencies are presented in this work.


Manuscript ID.  0093
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P015
Chen-Wei Liou Robust Optical Fiber Network Architecture for Large-Scale Fiber Sensor Systems
Ching-Hung Chang, Chen-Wei Liou, Wei-Che Yen, National Chiayi University (Taiwan)

A robust optical fiber network architecture for large-scale fiber sensor systems is proposed to remotely monitor the construction safety of buildings or bridges. Benefiting from a self-composed bidirectional device and proper optical routing function, the system manager not only can use each normal optical fiber pathway to deliver detection lightwaves to targeted sensors but also can use each other’s normal pathways as backup links to detect the targeted construction. The proposed fiber sensor network can provide proper self-healing function and simple network structure against one or multiple fiber link failures.


Manuscript ID.  0102
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P016
En-You Chen Light-Line Restricted Density of States and Angular Band Diagram for Omnidirectional Dielectric Mirrors
Jing-Feng Xu, En-You Chen, Ya-Chih Tsai, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

We employed the plane-wave expansion method to study the dielectric mirror as a semi-infinite two-dimensional photonic crystal in air. Light-line criterion for ambient incidence was applied in the calculations of the projected band structures and the restricted density of states. We further employed the equivalent refractive index model to obtain the angular band diagram which is in good agreement with the result obtained by transfer matrices.


Manuscript ID.  0239
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P017
Hong-Jie Luo Full-Color Imaging Spectral Tuning Based on Nanoparticles and Dielectric Thin-Film Coupling
Wei-Han Yong, Hong-Jie Luo, Wan-Shao Tsai, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)

Gold nanoparticles of size 60-200 nm are coated on a bilayer HfO2/Al2O3 dielectric thin film fabricated on a quartz substrate. Mode coupling between the localized surface plasmon resonance and cavity coupling enhanced by Fabry-Pérot interference are discussed. Full-color spectral tuning effects are verified with simulation based on a finite-difference time-domain calculation and with a home-built imaging spectral measurement system.


Manuscript ID.  0795
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P018
Yaw-Dong Wu The Study of Forbidden Region of the Local Kerr-type Nonlinear Slab Metamaterial Optical Waveguide Structure
Yaw-Dong Wu, Yi-Jun Xu, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

We derived the formula of the guiding power density to analyze the forbidden region of the local Kerr-type nonlinear slab left-handed metamaterial (LHM) optical waveguide structure. The numerical results show that the forbidden region always exits in the proposed optical waveguide structure.


Manuscript ID.  0796
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P019
Yaw-Dong Wu All-Optical Filter Based on Metal-Insulator-Metal Plasmonic Nano-Disk Resonator Waveguide Strucrure with the Kerr Nonlinear medium
Yaw-Dong Wu, Yi-Jun Xu, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

In this paper, we propose and numerically investigate all-optical plasmonic filter based on nano-disk cavity structures. We used waveguides and filled with optical nonlinear materials nano-disk resonators to construct all-optical filter based on MIM waveguide structure. The dielectric constant of Kerr nonlinear medium in the resonator is changed by varying the pump light and the signal transmission can thus be controlled. The performance of the proposed all-optical filter was analyzed by the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method.


Manuscript ID.  0261
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P020
Po-Sheng Shi High efficiency polarization beam splitter with directional coupler based on subwavelength-grating waveguide and slot waveguide
Po-Sheng Shi, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Kuo-Ping Chen, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

we propose an high efficiency polarization beam splitter with directional coupler based on subwavelength-grating waveguide and slot waveguide on a standard silicon-on-isolator platform. Assisted by a tapered subwavelength grating waveguide and a slot waveguide, the working bandwidth of the directional-coupler-based PBS covers the entire O-, E-, S-, C-, L- and U-bands and the coupling length is only 4.6 µm.


Manuscript ID.  0039
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P021
Jen-Wei Hung Silicon Nitride Polarization Beam Splitter Using Asymmetric Directional Couplers
Jen-Wei Hung, Yi-Jia Huang, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan); Hsing-Hsiang Wang, Wen-Hsien Huang, Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (Taiwan); Chun-Ta Wang, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

In this work, we propose a broadband silicon nitride polarization beam splitter. This polarization beam splitter that is based on asymmetric directional couplers exhibits a broadband operation with an extinction ratio of greater than 10 dB.


Manuscript ID.  0609
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P022
Alvin Hsien-Yi Chan Optical Iridescence Properties of CuS and CuSe Crystal
Alvin Hsien-Yi Chan, Yueh-Hsun Tsai, Chao-Chang Arthur Chen, Ching-Hwa Ho, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

Nowadays, transition metal chalcogenides (TMCs) semiconductor materials have attracted a lot of attention in recent research due to their unique characteristics in photonics and electronics applications. Hydrothermal method synthetization technique for CuS and CuSe might contain high impurity while compare with other method. To obtain high crystallinity and purity crystal, we use chemical vapor transportation (CVT) as the synthesize technique. This paper presents the optical iridescence characteristics of CuS and CuSe. We observed two different types of μ-photoluminescence spectra for both crystals. Our analyses further discussed on grating effect which produce the white light and its separations.


Manuscript ID.  0439
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P023
Shih-Chien Lin Novel Mobile Fronthaul Link with 14-GHz bandwidth for 6G Ma-MIMO Beamforming System
Shih-Chien Lin, Yu-Jen Huang, Guan-Ting Lin, Pin-Hsuan Ting, Zheng-Wei Huang, Shao-Hung Yu, Yi-Jun Cai, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Chia-Chien Wei, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan); Sien Chi, Chun-Ting Lin, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We demonstrate fronthual links with delay-division-multiplexing 14-GHz bandwidth 64-QAM OFDM for 128 RF-chain signals. The corresponding CPRI-based capacity is 860.16 Gb/s.With I/Q Volterra nonlinear compensation, EVMs can be improved from 7.5% to 6%.


Manuscript ID.  0379
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P024
Yu-Jie Lou Fiber-Optic Perimeter Intrusion Detection System Based on Fabry-Perot Interferometers with Fiber Bragg Gratings as End Mirrors
Yi-Jun Yang, Li-Wei Chiang, Yu-Jie Lou, Likarn Wang, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

We propose a new scheme of multi-perimeter-zone fiber-optic intrusion detection system with Fabry-Perot interferometers used as disturbance sensors in a single fiber line. An outdoor test is carried out for a four-perimeter-zone system with an outcome of extremely high alarm rate upon intrusion, and a zero false alarm rate in the case of non-intrusion.


Manuscript ID.  0273
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P025
Shofuro Afifah Water Density and Water Flow Issues Study in Underwater Wireless Optical Communication
Shofuro Afifah, Amirullah Wijayanto, Ya-Ling Liu, Shien-Kuei Liaw, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Ochi Hiroshi, Kyushu Tech (Japan)

An underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) system was proposed using a 450nm blue laser with 1.25 Gbps OOK modulation. The environmental effect, such as turbulence in different water densities, was measured at a 3-meter distance. The maximum BER that our system can reach in the 1.03 seawater density was 4.85x10-6 at -7.4 dBm. The water density can affect the system to obtain a higher BER floor, while turbulence affects the higher deviation in the BER performance.


Manuscript ID.  0930
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0202-P026
Yen-Ju Lu Master Oscillation Power Amplified Based 1064 nm Band Pulse Fiber Ring Laser
Yen-Ju Lu, Shu-Miao Chen, Eric Jay Chang, Zi Wang, Shien-Kuei Liaw, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Yi-Lin Yu, Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Jiun-Woei Huang, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

We demonstrated a 1064 nm band semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) based fiber ring laser in 1064 nm band. The combination of a high-power Ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier (YEDFA) is developed with the maximum output power of 2.033 W. The pulse repetition rate, optical signal to noise ratio, pulse energy and peak power are 181.81 kHz, 34 dB, 11.23 μJ and 11.12 W, respectively. The total output power reaches 1.269 W in 5A current. The 1064 nm fiber laser source is suitable for Raman sensing and medical treatment by using master oscillation power amplifier (MOPA) scheme to increase the optical power.