15:15 - 15:45
Manuscript ID. 0890
Paper No. 2022-FRI-S0302-I001
Invited Speaker: Yu-Jung Lu
Emerging Materials for Plasmonics in the Visible Region: From Discovery to Application
Yu-Jung Lu, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
Progress in understanding resonant subwavelength optical structures has fueled a worldwide explosion of interest in both fundamental processes and nanophotonic/plasmonic devices for imaging, sensing, solar energy conversion, and information processing. However, plasmonic platforms in the visible region with robust, high performance, thermo-stable, and low-cost remains remain unexplored. In this presentation, I will particularly discuss emerging plasmonic platforms based on transition metal nitrides. I will present an overview of my research works over the past five years on the plasmon-enhanced light-matter interactions in the visible regions and its applications [1-6], including the plasmonic nanolasers [1-2], tunable plasmonic modulators [3], plasmonic phototransistors [4], plasmon-enhanced solar energy harvesting [5], and the refractory plasmonic colors for back-light free displays [6]. My group discovered several unique working mechanisms that utilize plasmonic nanostructures to improve optoelectronic device performance. By engineering the local electromagnetic field confinement, the light-matter interaction strength can be enhanced, which results in efficient energy conversion in the designed nanosystem. The detailed mechanisms and possible applications will be discussed. These results have broad implications for the use of plasmonic crystals/metasurfaces in high-performance optoelectronic devices with efficient energy conversion.
15:45 - 16:00
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0344
Paper No. 2022-FRI-S0302-O001
Shih-Chien Hsiao
Up to 69-Gbit/s NRZ-OOK Encoding of Dual-mode 850-nm VCSEL with High In-doped and small Zn-diffused Emission Area
Shih-Chien Hsiao, Hao-Chung Kuo, Wei-Ta Huang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)
In recent years, high-speed data transmission has become an important issue for the needs of high-resolution image/audio, data streaming, and data cloud storage/computing. At the transmitted end, the VCSEL has been developed to enhance transmission capacity because of its great performance. With some tradeoffs, the few-mode (FM) VCSEL has emerged as a suitable solution for increasing transmission capacity and distance. In addition, after performing waveform pre-emphasis processing, the allowable NRZ-OOK data rate is increased to 69 Gbit/s. And for 69 Gbit/s NRZ-OOK transmission, the received BER of less than 2.6 × 10−5 is still lower than the forward-error correction criterion.
16:00 - 16:15
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0408
Paper No. 2022-FRI-S0302-O002
Hsiang-Chun Yen
25-Gb/s 1270-nm InGaAlAs Directly Modulated Laser
Hsiang-Chun Yen, Te-Hua Liu, Chee-Keong Yee, Yun-Cheng Yang, Hao-Tien CHeng, Guei-Ting Hsu, National Taiwan Univ (Taiwan); Tien-Tsorng Shih, National Kaohsiung Univ. of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Chao-Hsin Wu, National Taiwan Univ (Taiwan)
In this manuscript, A 1270nm uncooled directly-modulated, InGaAlAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) high speed DFB laser was demonstrated. A small signal frequency response bandwidth 20GHz was achieved at 45 °C. Furthermore, we realized 25Gb/s non-return-to-zero transmission with a clear eye-opening feature at room temperature (25 °C).
16:15 - 16:30
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0798
Paper No. 2022-FRI-S0302-O003
Shih Cheng Liu
Generation of few-cycle visible pulses by cascaded multi-plate supercontinuum.
Shih Cheng Liu, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan), BrightEST (Taiwan); Pei Chi Huang, BrightEST (Taiwan); Ming Chang Chen, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
We report the use of cascaded multi-plate supercontinuum that generate 12 fs, 515nm pulse with pulse energy 120 uJ and achieve pulse broadening for 6 fs transform limited.
16:30 - 16:45
Manuscript ID. 0631
Paper No. 2022-FRI-S0302-O004
Yin-Wen Lee
Bound soliton pulses generated in Cr-Er co-doped mode-locked fiber laser
Han-Chun Chi, Chen-Yang Chao, Ting-Yu Chou, Jun-Hong Wang, Hsiao-Lung Tu, Yao-Ren Hsieh, Yu-Ting Chen, Yin-Wen Lee, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)
We report on the first observation of bound solitons in Cr-Er co-doped passively mode-locked fiber laser. The employed gain fiber is a Cr-Er co-doped mode-locked fiber, which enables broader emission spectrum than commercial Er-doped fibers and owns unique optical parameters allowing us to obtain the bound soliton operation easily. Both conventional and bound solitons can be generated in the same passively mode-locked fiber laser, and the operation states can be easily switched through the adjustment of pulse polarization.
16:45 - 17:00
Manuscript ID. 0732
Paper No. 2022-FRI-S0302-O005
Pei-Yung Wu
Fringe resolved autocorrelation trace of de-chirped amplified Yb-doped fiber laser based on multiple photon absorption of ZnSe plate
Pei-Yung Wu, Jun-Mao Yang, Shwu-Yun Tsay, Ja-Hon Lin, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)
The pulse duration of the de-chirped pulses of around 1 m regime has been measured by the fringe-resolved autocorrelation (FRAC) through the nonlinear absorption of the ZnSe plate. Here, the de-chirped pulse was produced from the pulse amplifier of dissipative soliton from all normal dispersion passively mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser (ANDi PML-YDFL) and compression by the grating pair. Through the measurement of de-chirped pulse around 1047nm, we demonstrated that the emission intensity of ZnSe reveals a quadratic increase with the pump intensity, which demonstrated the domination of the two-photon absorption (TPA).