Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0192
Paper No. 2022-SAT-P0301-P001
Yu-Zhe Cheng
Generating high-order pulsed fields with oval-shaped transverse patterns by an Nd:YVO4/Cr4+:YAG laser in a near-hemispherical resonator
Yu-Zhe Cheng, Shu-Cheng Liu, Pi-Hui Tuan, National Chung Cheng University (Taiwan)
High-transverse-order pulsed fields with oval-shaped beam profiles are generated by an Nd:YVO4/Cr4+:YAG laser in a near-hemispherical resonator. Via the thermally-assisted variation of mode-matching conditions between the pump and cavity modes, the mode order of the generated oval structured fields can be straightforwardly controlled by the input pump power. At a pump level of 7.9 W, the average output power can reach up to 2.5 W with the pulse repetition rate and peak power respectively beyond 164 kHz and 709 W while maintaining stable temporal behavior for the output pulse trains.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0241
Paper No. 2022-SAT-P0301-P002
Guan Bo Tung
Chaotic Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers under Polarization-Rotated Optical Feedback
Guan Bo Tung, Bo Wei Wang, Yu Shan Juan, Yuan Ze University (Taiwan)
Nonlinear dynamics of the chaotic states generated by the optical feedback and polarized optical feedback are discussed in numerical simulations. In this paper, we focus on the study of chaotic states.The output light from polarized optical feedback system, efficiently reduced the effective bandwidth in chaotic states and narrowing the self-coherent of the peaks are studied and compared. Moreover, the detailed characteristics in different operational parameters are also considered.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0312
Paper No. 2022-SAT-P0301-P003
Long Huang
Research On High-Efficiency Supercontinuum Generation Based On Tantalum Pentoxide Nonlinear Waveguide
Long Huang, Chieh Huang, Guan-Hong Lee, Yi-Jen Chiu, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan); Min-Hsiung Shih, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Chao-Kuei Lee, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
In this study, we used Ta2O5 thin film as the material of the optical waveguide core layer and successfully through the Ti׃Sapphire pulsed laser with a center wavelength of 800nm to generate Supercontinuum Generation (SCG) in the visible light band of high-order modes and discuss its possibilities and properties.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0847
Paper No. 2022-SAT-P0301-P004
Ying-Shan Chen
Particle-in-Cell Simulation of Phase-Matched High Harmonics Generation in Highly Ionized Plasma
Ying-Shan Chen, National Central University (Taiwan); Yao-Li Liu, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
High harmonic generation is driven by short-wavelength electromagnetic waves in laser-plasma interactions. Its conversion efficiency is determined by the relative phase between the driving laser field and the harmonic field, which is affected by various dispersive effects. Therefore, we mainly proposed to achieve the dispersion balance between intrinsic dipole phase variation, Geometrical phase shift, and plasma dispersion under strong ionization regime. The scheme will be verified by 3D particle-in-cell simulation (PIC) for the HHG order 203rd corresponding to the water window X-ray, i.e. 4 nm.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0154
Paper No. 2022-SAT-P0301-P005
Ling-Qi Huang
Generating Structured Vector Fields with Quasicrystal and Superlattice Patterns by Diffraction Optics
Ling-Qi Huang, Pi-Hui Tuan, National Chung Cheng University (Taiwan)
High-order structured vector beams with transverse patterns as quasicrystal and superlattice are generated based on a Fourier optic system. By varying the arrangement of ring-distributed point sources on the near-field mask or tuning the principal orientation of vortex retarder to result in the radially-polarized state for the input beam, the polarization-dependent mode structures of the generated vector beams can be flexibly adjusted and well predicted by diffraction theory to offer promising light sources for potential applications.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0050
Paper No. 2022-SAT-P0301-P006
Yin-Jie Cheng
Generation of various optical crystalline and kaleidoscopic beams: fabrication of periodic nanoarrays structures and liquid crystal gratings
Yin-Jie Cheng, National Taiwan Ocean University (Taiwan); Wei-Hsiang Pan, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Hsing-Chih Liang, National Taiwan Ocean University (Taiwan), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Hai-Pang Chiang, National Taiwan Ocean University (Taiwan)
We demonstrate that a family of vortex-lattice structures can be flexibly generated using a multi-beam interference approach. Based on the numerical analysis, we experimentally realized these structure beams by combining an amplitude mask with multiple apertures and a spiral phase plate. The excellent agreement between the experimental and theoretical results not only validates the presented method, but also manifests the structure of vortex lattices. Moreover, the optical structure beams are exploiting to fabricate liquid crystal (LC) grating and periodic nanoarrays structures. We believe this approach is a powerful tool for fabricating periodic structures.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0678
Paper No. 2022-SAT-P0301-P007
Wei-Ming Chen
Optimal Probe States for Quantum Target Detection
Wei-Ming Chen, Pin-Ju Tsai, National Central University (Taiwan)
Quantum target detection (QTD) utilizes nonclassical resources to improve the performance of radar target detection in a lossy and noisy environment. Here, we report a numerical analysis of optimal probe states (OPSs) in single-mode and one-shot QTD for the condition of arbitrary reflectivity of target. Our results show the OPS is non-Gaussian in most reflectivity except for a specific situation, due to the information source competing between the phase or photon number distribution. This theoretical model provides a concise tool for optimal detection and further toward optimal multi-mode QTD.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0155
Paper No. 2022-SAT-P0301-P008
Wan-Chen Tasi
Generating High-Peak-Power Lissajous Beams by an Nd:YVO4/Cr4+:YAG Laser with a Concave-Convex Cavity
Wan-Chen Tasi, Wei-Ru Chen, Pi-Hui Tuan, National Chung Cheng University (Taiwan)
Structured pulsed fields with high-order transverse structures as Lissajous curves have been generated by an Nd:YVO4/Cr4+:YAG laser. A concave-convex resonator was designed to achieve the strongly intracavity focusing on the absorber and the larger astigmatism for high-order mode operation at the same time for good passively Q-switched performance. Though the multimode operation leads to the parasitic effect, the overall temporal behavior of the pulse trains for the Lissajous pulsed fields has been manifested to present quite regular and stable. The overall peak power for the primary pulses can reach up to 300 W when pump power is 3.5 W.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0359
Paper No. 2022-SAT-P0301-P009
Hao-Tien Cheng
Assessment of HTOL stressed VCSELs using beam profiling techniques
Hao-Tien Cheng, Taixian Zhang, Te-Hua Liu, Guei-Ting Hsu, Hong-Ye Lin, Chao-Hsin Wu, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
In this article, we put a batch of 850-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) chips in the high-temperature operating life (HTOL) tests and investigate their failure mechanisms. Light-current-voltage (LIV) characterization and near-field profiling are used to identify and analyze the damaged regions in the VCSELs.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0019
Paper No. 2022-SAT-P0301-P010
Je-Hau Shr
Investigation of high pulse energy Q-switched laser for the application of optical parametric oscillation toward mid-infrared region
Je-Hau Shr, Xin-Cheng Lin, Chun-Yu Cho, National United University (Taiwan)
Passively Q-switched laser energy is theoretical analyzed and experimentally verified to achieved high pulse energy output. By using such laser source, the mid-infrared output is then converted and optimized by comparing four types of optical parametric oscillation structures.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0737
Paper No. 2022-SAT-P0301-P011
Hsing-long Kao
Thin Disk Yb:YAG CW Laser
Hsing-long Kao, National Central University (Taiwan); Chuck-Kui Lee, Min-Chi Zhou, National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan); Te-Yuan Chung, National Central University (Taiwan)
Through a 4-f system built by several high reflective concave and flat mirrors, the pump laser at 940nm can be absorbed by Made in Taiwan thin Yb:YAG crystal in multi-pass and then produce 1030nm cw laser with high slope efficiency to achieve high power. Also, by bonding thin disk Yb:YAG on a water-cooling module, heat can be cooled to let thermal problem like thermal lensing be controlled.