Session Index

S5. Optical Design, Testing and Engineering

Poster Session I
Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022  14:00-16:00
Room: 3F TR-A318

Manuscript ID.  0329
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P001
Shang-Yang Yu Photothermal Scanning Annealing on Crystallization of Gold Films
Shang-Yang Yu, Chang Gung University (Taiwan); Min-Hsiung Shih, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Yi-Han Kuo, Chang Gung University (Taiwan); Jiunn-Woei Liaw, Chang Gung University (Taiwan), Ming Chi University of Technology (Taiwan)

We establish a laser-scanning annealing system in a microscope to improve the optical properties of a polycrystalline Au film. The results of material characterizations show that the uniformity of crystallographic orientation of (111) of annealed Au film and the grain growth is improved. Additionally, the corresponding optical density (OD) and the extinction coefficient of the annealed film are significantly reduced in the NIR regime, owing to the decrease in the loss of free electrons’ scattering at the grain boundary. In addition, the integrity of the treated film is kept intact without pinholes, usually produced by conventional thermal annealing.


Manuscript ID.  0722
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P002
Chao-Wen Liang Fabrication and Verification of Large Wavefront Sensor
Lin-Guang Lin, Chao-Wen Liang, National Central University (Taiwan)

The Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor is calibrated through a three-dimensional coordinate system and a rotating platform with a dual-axis precision optical encoder, and the relationship between the point spread function and the incident angle is established for each Micro Lens Array (MLA), In terms of software, the High Dynamic Range (HDR) can reduce the impact of CMOS Sensor noise on the measurement. And verify the accuracy of the Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor.


Manuscript ID.  0664
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P003
Chao-Wen Liang Transmission and reflection dual wavefront measurement of medium and large size lenses
Shih-Min Peng, Chao-Wen Liang, National Central University (Taiwan)

The errors generated during the production of medium and large size lenses make the aberrations around the lens too large to be measured with an interferometer. In this study, a wavefront sensor and field lens were used to complete the lens aberration measurement.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0340
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P004
Kuan-Yi Chou Using interferometry to evaluate asphere for space optics
Hsing-Yu Wu, System Manufacturing Center (Taiwan), Department of Optics and Photonics & Center for Astronautical Physics and Engineering (Taiwan); Kuan-Yi Chou, Department of Physics (Taiwan); Shao-Rong Huang, Department of Optics and Photonics & Center for Astronautical Physics and Engineering (Taiwan), Department of Physics (Taiwan); Lin-Jen Hsiao, System Manufacturing Center (Taiwan); Sheng-Feng Lin, Po-Hsuan Huang, National Space Organization (Taiwan); GuoYu Yu, Department of Optics and Photonics & Center for Astronautical Physics and Engineering (Taiwan), National Space Organization (Taiwan); David Walker, School of Computing and Engineering (UK); Jin-Cherng Hsu, Department of Physics (Taiwan)

Space optical telescopes use complex surfaces to reduce total optical elements but maintain high-quality images. Modern space mirrors can be evaluated by computer-generated holograms and null lenses to assess such kinds of highly accurate surfaces. This paper proposed a cost-effective interferometric technique to examine an elliptical aspherical surface and its measurement of the conic constant was 0.43. The result indicates that this technique can be a potential method used to evaluate aspheres for space optical telescopes in the near future.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0092
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P005
Yu-Yin Chen Temperature-insensitive Fiber-tip FPI Refractometer Based on Double-side Open Cavity
Yu-Yin Chen, Chin-ping Yu, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

We demonstrate a fiber-tip refractive index (RI) sensor based on a double-side open Fabry-Pérot interferometer (FPI). Very high RI sensing sensitivity of 1127 nm/RIU can be observed. Additionally, experimental results indicate that the gas pressure sensitivity is as high as 25.5 pm/psi with a very low temperature sensitivity of −0.29 pm/℃. The FPI cavity has two opens to realize very short response time and recovery time of 42ms and 104ms, respectively.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0158
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P006
Wei-Bo Liu Optimization of Ultra-thin Mini-LEDs array with Quantum Dots Film white light backlight module
Wei-Bo Liu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

This study proposes an ultra-thin mini-LEDs array with quantum dots film white light backlight module to achieve excellent quality and uses deep reinforcement learning (DRL) architecture for optical design. In the DRL architecture, to solve the computing environment problems of the multiple parameters of the module, this study proposes an environment control agent and virtual-realistic workflow to ensure that the design environment parameters are highly correlated with experimental results.
We successfully designed a mini-LED backlight module with 82.1% uniformity performance and the design calculation time required by the DRL method is only 36% of the traditional optical simulation.


Manuscript ID.  0085
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P007
Pin Han A Data Transmission Method with Spectral Switches via Electroabsorption
Pin Han, Yung-Tsai Lai, Wu-Chen Wu, Mu-Huang Chen, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)

In the past, the waveguide electroabsorption effect has generally been used as an
intensity modulator for quasi-monochromatic light, such as lasers. Here, we study how this
effect affects polychromatic light spectra. We find that for light with a Gaussian distribution
spectrum, the spectral peak shift (red shift or blue shift) can be controlled by the magnitude of
the applied voltage This result can be used as a data transmission scheme at the integrated
chip level or in free space. It may offer a good option for some other light sources.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0477
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P008
Yueh-Jung Lee Development of a common-path speckle interferometer for displacement and angle measurements
Yueh-Jung Lee, Hung-Lin Hsieh, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

An innovative speckle interferometer based-on common-path (CP) design is proposed in this study. By using the design concept of CP, the reference and measurement beams of the proposed interferometer would suffer from similar disturbances. Surrounding disturbances can then be compensated in the interference signal making the proposed speckle interferometer much with high system stability for measurements of displacement and angle.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0027
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P009
Yi-Lun Su The Periscope-Type of Mobile Phone Lens with 13 x Optical Zoom Design and Thermal Properties Analysis of Temperature -5∘ to 50∘
Yi-Lun Su, National Central University (Taiwan), National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan); Wen-Shing Sun, National Central University (Taiwan); Che-Chin Chen, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan); Shih-An Wang, National Central University (Taiwan)

This paper uses a right-angle prism and 5MP COMS sensor in the optical system design that prism thickness is defined as the mechanism size, and study and analyze imaging quality for the environment temperature


Manuscript ID.  0667
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P010
Chao-Wen Liang Comparison of Linearized Focal-Plane Technique and Gerchberg-Saxton Phase Retrieval Algorithm
Chi-Chao Chen, Chao-Wen Liang, National Central University (Taiwan)

Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor (SH-WFS) is widely used in various fields. The measurement principle is sample the wavefront through the microlens array, and obtain the slope through the center of gravity of the spot, so as to reconstruct the wavefront. Using centroid method ignores the spot deformation caused by the high-frequency wavefront. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of the Gerchberg-Saxton Algorithm (GSA) and Linearized Focal-Plane Technique (LIFT), simulate the situation encountered in practical applications, verify the accuracy of the algorithm through simple experiments, and analyze the more suitable technology. and choose the most suitable one.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0259
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P011
Chi-Hung Li Single Photon Detection Characterization of InGaAs/InP Avalanche Photodiode at Different Temperatures Using 300 MHz Sine Wave Gating
Chi-Hung Li, Wen-Jeng Ho, Chen-Hung Fan, Jheng-Jie Liu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

A high speed 300 MHz sine wave gating single-photon detection is proposed. To obtain the optimal single-photon detection parameters, different experimental parameters and working conditions are used to analyze these parameters. In this study, the InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiode working in Geiger mode for single-photon detection is based on sine wave gating scheme. Impressive results in low dark-count rate of 21.27 kHz, high single-photon detection-efficiency of 14.6 %, and low after-pulsing of 9.83 %, and low time jitter of 1.357 ns were obtained under the operation temperature of -30 ºC, excess biasing of 1.9V, and gated-frequency of 300 MHz.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0115
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P012
Yao-Lun Ku Alignment of Diffractive Optical Elements by Deep Learning
Yao-Lun Ku, Ya-Ti Chang Lee, Chung-Hao Tien, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

A deep learning algorithm is proposed for active alignment of diffractive optical element (DOE) assembly. The approach utilizes a residual convolutional neural network (ResNet) to perform a direct pose estimation from a given measurement, which indicates the misalignment effect. The network was trained with diffraction patterns labeled the corres-ponding poses in 5 degrees of freedom (5-DOF). In our experiment, 5-DOF poses could be predicted and a range of ±180 µm in translation was confirmed with prediction errors 6.930 µm in Y-axis and 6.035 µm in X-axis, respectively.


Manuscript ID.  0231
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P013
Jing-Lin Chen Constructing ion beam figuring for highly accurate optics
Hsing-Yu Wu, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (Taiwan), National Center University (Taiwan); Li-Siang Shen, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan); Li-Jen Hsiao, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (Taiwan); Shao-Rong Huang, National Center University (Taiwan), Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan); Jin-Cherng Hsu, Jing-Lin Chen, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan); Sheng-Feng Lin, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan)

Ion beam figuring (IBF) can be used to fabricate highly accurate and low surface textures for highly accurate optics. In this paper, this advanced technology is being developed and primary results were commented on the fixed-point polished process on B270 optical glasses. The nearly Gaussian profile of removal with low roughness demonstrated that this process can be constructed for a full processing process.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0637
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P014
Chun-Yu Chiang Multilayer Interference Filter Design with Low Residual Stress and Image Contrast Enhancement
Chuen-Lin Tien, Chun-Yu Chiang, Shu-Hui Su, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

We propose a dual-band multilayer interference filter to improve image contrast. The interference filter stack was designed as (Ta2O5/SiO2)4Ta2O5. We used electron-beam evaporation with ion-assisted deposition to prepare single-band and dual-band notch filters. The proposed notch filter of two wavelengths was respectively coated on the double-sided glass substrate. The 9-layer notch filter was evaluated by using USAF 1951 pattern and a CMOS camera, the image contrast ratio can be improved from 0.607 to 0.759. Besides, the residual stress value is −294.08 MPa for the single-band notch filter and 8.11 MPa for the double-sided coating notch filter (dual-band), respectively.


Manuscript ID.  0597
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P015
Yong-Sheng Lin Study of Optical Efficiency and Stray Light of Fresnel Lenses
Yong-Sheng Lin, Chi-Shou Wu, Shih-Kang Lin, Tsung-Hsun Yang, Yeh-Wei Yu, Ching-Cherng Sun, National Central University (Taiwan)

This paper analyzes Fresnel lenses with different numerical apertures and thicknesses to find the best solution to improve their optical efficiency. At the end of this paper, with simulation analysis and experiments, a method that can effectively enhance optical efficiency is obtained and only cause a slight decrease in focus energy (less than 5%). This result is an improvement in focusing ability.


Manuscript ID.  0635
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P016
Shu-Hui Su Influence of Optical Notch Filters on Visual Contrast Sensitivity
Chuen-Lin Tien, Shu-Hui Su, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Ching-Ying Cheng, Chung Shan Medical University (Taiwan)

This paper presents the effect of optical notch filters on contrast sensitivity in patients with dry eye syndrome at different spatial frequencies. The parameters of contrast sensitivity are measured by using sine wave contrast test (SWCT). The dual wavelength notch filter has a significant anti-glare effect, which is used to reduce glare obstacles or discomfort and provide better visual quality. The results show that the center wavelength of 620 nm multi-layer notch filter has better contrast sensitivity at mid- and low frequencies, meanwhile, the center wavelength of 480 nm notch filter has the best performance at high spatial frequency.


Manuscript ID.  0266
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P017
Dung Ngoc Nguyen Study on vibration analysis of Michelson interferometer by comparing two light interference experiments
Dung Ngoc Nguyen, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

Vibration is a mechanical phenomenon where by oscillation occur about an equilibrium point. Vibration can be desirable: for example, the motion of a tuning fork, the reed in a woodwind instrument or harmonica, a mobile phone, or the cone of a loudspeaker.
In many cases, however, vibration is undesirable, wasting energy and creating unwanted sound. Such vibrations could be caused by imbalances in the parts.
In this paper, vibration is tested by measuring the change of light power of two experiments under the same environmental conditions and the same input light power.


Manuscript ID.  0672
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P018
Jyh-Rou Sze Pseudo Non-diffraction Beam of Aspherical Lens System applied in NIR Laser Ablation System
Jyh-Rou Sze, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute,National Applied Research Laboratories. (Taiwan); An-Chi Wei, National Central University (Taiwan)

The Pseudo non-diffraction beams with the properties of narrow lateral spot and almost constant intensity axial distribution is carried out, and applied to the thin film drilling of NIR laser ablation technology. The experimental result shows that the pseudo nondiffraction beam can improve the sidewall angle of drilled material.


Manuscript ID.  0920
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P019
Long-Jeng Lee The Development of Ground-based scanning Hyperspectral Spectral Imager
Long-Jeng Lee, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan); Victor Hao, Isuzo Optics Corporation (Taiwan); Ming-Hsien Chou, HC Photonics Corporation, (Taiwan); Yuan Shen, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)

The hyperspectral imager was expensive in the market, but some of researches need to previous study and budget limited. In this article the lightweight pushbroom sacanning hyperspectral imager was below 150g, it spectral range of 400~1000nm, suitable for generally hyperspectral and fluorescence application. Here we use plastic grating film and lenses for the instrument to achieve a low lost, without high order sorting filter and lower consume of electric power, and easily and portably operated in the ground field .


Manuscript ID.  0016
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P020
Ching-Yao Huang Simulation of Effective Power Change in Single Tilted Aspherical Lenses
Ching-Yao Huang, Da-Yeh University (Taiwan)

This study is to simulate the effective power distribution in the tilted aspherical prescription lenses at different tilt angles. The results show that the simulated effective power changes are in good agreement with the measured data, which verifies the correctness of the design approach and is suitable for the simulation of tilted lenses.


Manuscript ID.  0393
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P022
Chao-Kang Liu Optical-Force Manipulation of Bessel Beam on Multiple Nanoparticles
Chun-Yi Yang, Yun-Cheng Ku, Chao-Kang Liu, Mao-Kuen Kuo, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Jiunn-Woei Liaw, Chang Gung University (Taiwan), Ming Chi University of Technology (Taiwan)

The optomechanical behavior of multiple gold nanoparticles (GNPs) induced by a circularly polarized Bessel beam with orbital angular momentum (OAM) is studied. The trajectories of GNPs show that they are driven by Bessel beam to perform specific orbital motions. This is because that the OAM of the structured light is transferred to GNPs by the light absorption and scattering. The orbital radius of these GNPs depends on the wavelength and cone angle of Bessel beam. These rotating GNPs exhibit different stable patterns, depending on the number of GNPs and the initial conditions.


Manuscript ID.  0305
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P023
Zhen-Xiang Zhao Electrically Controllable Linear Phase Retarder Composed By Two Liquid Crystal Variable Retarders
Zhen-Xiang Zhao, Chien-Yuan Han, National United University (Taiwan); Chih-Ching Ho, I-Hsuan Chen, Chih-Jen Yu, Chang Gung University (Taiwan)

This study presents an optical system equivalent to a linear phase retarder with arbitrary phase retardation and can be rotated by applying an electrical signal to two liquid crystal variable retarders. The optical system configuration is only composed of three polarization elements in a round-trip configuration. Moreover, this system can be employed as a variety of polarization elements having properties of linear anisotropy.


Manuscript ID.  0802
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P024
Yi-Lun Su Analysis of the Efficiency of a Corrugated Light Guide for RGB Laser Diodes in LCOS
Yi-Lun Su, National Central University (Taiwan), National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan); Yu-Wei Sheu, Wen-Shing Sun, National Central University (Taiwan); Che-Chin Chen, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan)

This paper studies how to select RGB laser diodes to ensure uniformity of the light source, first by adjusting the number of RGB laser diodes to produce the ideal white point chromaticity coordinates and second using a corrugated light pipe to achieve the resultant uniformity. Compared with a smooth light guide, a corrugated light guide can not only provide better uniformity, but also, for the same uniformity, be shorter in the length than the smooth light guide.


Manuscript ID.  0759
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P025
Wei-Cheng Lin Optical Design of a Light Field Objective Lens for the Co-axial Illumination 3D Automated Optical Inspection
Wei-Cheng Lin, Po-Ming Lin, Yi-Lun Su, Chih-Hao Lin, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute (TIRI) (Taiwan)

This manuscript proposes the optical design of a light field objective lens with 4× magnification which can be adopted in the 3D automated optical inspection (AOI) by integrating co-axial illumination and an array of micro-lenses.


Manuscript ID.  0823
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P026
Wei-che Wu Location Estimation of an Internal Point Heat Source in a Sample Based on Lock-in Thermography
Wei-che Wu, Po-you Wang, Te-yuan Chung, National Central University (Taiwan)

Lock-in thermography is a powerful non-destructive and non-contact detection technology for detecting the heat source of a sample. By measuring the temperature field on the surface of a sample, the position and depth of an internal point heat source can be estimated based on the amplitude and phase of the temperature field measured.


Manuscript ID.  0479
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P027
Dong-li Shih Optical path design and simulation of MEMS LiDAR transceiver system
Kuan-Hung Li, Dong-li Shih, Chun-Nien Liu, Wood-Hi Cheng, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)

This article outlines the optical path design process of the transceiver system, designs the receiving and transmitting optical path system, and conducts simulations to derive the divergence angle and ray tracing diagram.


Manuscript ID.  0348
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P028
Chia-Hao Liu Spin-orbit interaction of Bessel beam with a gold nanoparticle
Bing-Xian Chen, Yun-Cheng Ku, Chia-Hao Liu, Mao-Kuen Kuo, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Jiunn-Woei Liaw, Chang Gung University (Taiwan), Ming Chi University of Technology (Taiwan)

We analyze the spin-orbit interaction of a Bessel beam interplaying with a gold nanoparticle (GNP); the structured light possesses spin angular momentum (SAM) and orbital angular momentum (OAM). When GNP is illuminated by Bessel beam, the spin and orbital rotations of GNP can be induced. The former is induced by the absorption of Bessel beam’s SAM by GNP, and the latter is caused by the transfer of OAM from Bessel beam into GNP. The rotation direction of the orbital motion of GNP, CCW or CW, depends on the sign of the order of Bessel beam.


Manuscript ID.  0499
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P029
Tung-Chen Chao Study of Germicidal System Using UV LED and 3D Printing
Bo-Jun Huang, Hsi-Fu Shih, Tung-Chen Chao, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)

This research aims to design a shortwave ultraviolet (UV) sterilization system. Combined with innovative 3D printing, including reflector cup design, micro surface structure, physical steam deposition, optic simulation, and its modular application. UVC-LED germicidal light source to sterilize influenza virus The lethal dose of influenza virus radiation is 4000µm/cm^2 and the distance within 1 cm to 2 cm can achieve rapid sterilization effect.


Manuscript ID.  0083
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P030
Kai-Hsiang Wang Optimization of Deformable Mirror Identification Using Multi-region Modeling
Kai-Hsiang Wang, Cheng-Jung Yang, Jui-Tse Yang, Chia-Yuan Chang, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

In optical system, optical aberrations induced by optics imperfection, environment, and inhomogeneity in specimen would degrade the system performance. To build a real time adaptive optics system for aberration compensation, the fast responsive deformable mirror (DM) is adopted as the active compensator. However, the channels coupling in DM make the controller is difficult to design. In this paper, the control voltage vectors for DM to generate 15
orthogonal Zernike modes are successfully identified using multi-region modeling method. The generated Zernike modes are shown to have great linearity and are suitable for multichannel linear controller design in adaptive optics.


Manuscript ID.  0362
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P031
Yu-Jie Xie Analyzing Positions Errors of Off-axis Optics when Assembling the KT90 CubeSat Telescope
Hsing-Yu Wu, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (Taiwan), National Central University (Taiwan); Yu-Jie Xie, Sheng-Hui Chen, National Central University (Taiwan); Chih-Ying Huang, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Po-Hsuan Huang, Shih-Fang Liao, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan)

The KT90 is a CubeSat camera project led by NSPO. During assembly, the alignment of the M3 off-axis asphere is challenging because its position is difficult to be evaluated. This paper proposed a modeling and predictive method to guide a relatively optimized M3 position.


Manuscript ID.  0182
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0501-P032
Yu-Teng Huang Observation of Noctiluca Scintillans Using Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy
Shyh-Tsong Lin, Che-Wei Kuo, Yang-Jun Lin, Yu-Teng Huang, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

In this research, a differential interference contrast microscope (DICM) was proposed to inspect dynamic images of Noctiluca scintillans. This paper demonstrates the configuration, inspection concept, experimental setup, and experimental results of the proposed DICM. The proposed DICM is based on the theory of shearing interferometry and algorithm of one-shot four–step phase-shifting technique. The experimental results agree the DICM’s capability of living Noctiluca scintillans.