Session Index

S8. Thin Film and Photovoltaic Technology

Thin Film and Photovoltaic Technology I
Friday, Dec. 2, 2022  13:00-15:00
Presider: Hsin-Ying Lee、Hsuen-Li Chen
Room: 2F A204
13:00 - 13:30
Manuscript ID.  0906
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S0801-I001
Invited Speaker:
Ray-Hua Horng
Wide bandgap semiconductors epitaxial growth and related device applications
Ray-Hua Horng, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

The wide bandgap semiconductors ZnGa2O4 and Ga2O3 were grown on c-plane sapphire substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). For the epilayers growth, the flow rate of metalorganic (Mo) source and growth temperature were variated, while the flow rates of O2 were fixed at 1000 sccm, respectively. The effect of Mo flow rate on the structural, cathodoluminescence (CL), and optoelectronic properties of wide bandgap semiconductors were analyzed. The photodetector, x-ray photodetectors, power devices applications will also be discussed in this talk.

13:30 - 13:45 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0306
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S0801-O001
Adzilah Shahna Rosyadi p-n Homojunction LED and Polarized Solar Cell in Vertically Stacked Multilayered ReSe2
Adzilah Shahna Rosyadi, Alvin Hsien-Yi Chan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Jia-Xin Li, Chang-Hua Liu, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan); Ching-Hwa Ho, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

Nowadays, many vertically stacked 2D layered devices are still fabricated as heterostructures and heterojunctions because of the lack of van der Waals stacked p-n homojunction. p-ReSe2 is successfully synthesized by doping 20% amount of Chromium substituting Re- site. A p-n homojunction light-emitting diode made by stacking multilayered n-ReSe2 (Cr 0%) and p-ReSe2 (Cr 20%) is first fabricated, and it emits an electroluminescence of ~946 nm from the band edge. Another p-n homojunction solar cell is also manufactured to exhibit a maximum axial conversion efficiency of η≈1.05% along with the b-axis polarization of ReSe2.

13:45 - 14:00 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0600
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S0801-O002
Chen-Jia Fan Monocrystalline Silicon PERC Solar Cell with Rear-Side AlOx Film Formed by Furnace Oxidation
Ching-Hui Hsu, Chen-Jia Fan, Cing-Ren Shih, Likarn Wang, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

AlOx passivation layers on the rear sides of silicon PERC solar cells are formed by thermally oxidizing 3 nm thick aluminum films deposited in advance by an e-gun evaporator. The oxidation process is conducted in a furnace full of oxygen at 400 oC for 10 minutes, followed by an annealing at 700 oC , and then the stacking of films on the back surfaces. After that, a second annealing process is done at 400 oC to repair the defects resulting from the bombardment of ions on the passivation layer.

14:00 - 14:15 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0207
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S0801-O003
Mai Hayase Development of metal mesh-based transparent conducing electrodes with submicron line width by laser reduction reaction
Mai Hayase, Masato Sumiyoshi, Makoto Takishita, Vygantas Mizeikis, Atsushi Ono, Shizuoka University (Japan)

The purpose of our research is the development of metal mesh-based flexible transparent electrodes with submicron line width. It is required for the future advance of touch panels to develop next-generation of transparent electrodes with low resistance and flexibility to replace ITO. In this research, blue laser was locally irradiated to silver nitrate mixed polymer, and silver lines were fabricated by laser reduction reaction. We will present the resistivity dependence of the fabricated silver line on the laser irradiation and the fabrication results of metal mesh-based transparent conducting electrode.

14:15 - 14:30 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0579
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S0801-O004
Ya-Chih Chou Numerical simulation of ion density distribution of the broad-beam ion source by COMSOL multiphysics
Ya-Chih Chou, Chien-Jen Tang, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

This study simulated particle trajectories in RF-ICP ion source. A 2D model of the ion source was built in COMSOL Multiphysics®, and the 3D grid was simplified to a 2D forms. In this model, it was assumed the electron and ion densities are nearly uniform. We use the density distribution to describe the spatial distribution of ions within the plasma sheath. According to the simulation of the plasma results, the ion distributions were release in sheath. The ion beam trajectories were investigated different sheath forms. Beam energy changed the ion density distribution of the ion source.

14:30 - 14:45 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0484
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S0801-O005
Man-Ying Wang In-situ Composition and Band Structure Investigation of Perovskite Films via Novel Surface Analysis Techniques
Man-Ying Wang, Wei-Chun Lin, Ting-Jia Yang, National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan)

Though organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites have high photoelectric conversion efficiency, their instability to environment hinders their commercialization. In this study, MAPbI3, MAPbI3-xBrx with UV light-induced degradation are conducted, then XPS system equipped with ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) and low-energy inverse photoemission spectroscopy (LEIPS) were used to exam the elemental composition, chemical state as well as the change of the energy band gap (Eg). The results show that band gap is found bigger after UV treatment. Via this novel surface analysis techniques, the n/p type of semiconductors could be determined, so this analysis technology is suitable for investigating next-generation semiconductor devices.

14:45 - 15:00 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0618
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S0801-O006
Yi-Nung Chao Fabrication of the CAAC IGZO by the substrate bias magnetron sputtering
Yi-Nung Chao, Yuan-Jie Lu, Sheng-Hui Chen, National Central University (Taiwan)

A bias voltage has been applied to the substrate to fabricate the c-axis-aligned-crystalline indium-gallium-zinc-oxide (CAAC-IGZO) thin film by using magnetron sputtering. The crystallization was improved by applying a positive bias on the substrate during the process. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to analyze the quality of crystallization. After calculating the FWHM, intensity and diffraction angle of XRD, the best crystallinity is at 75 V of the applied substrate bias.