Session Index

S8. Thin Film and Photovoltaic Technology

Poster Session I
Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022  14:00-16:00
Room: 3F TR-A318
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0400
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P001
Ching-Wei Lee Self-adaptive transport layers for efficient inverted perovskite photovoltaics
Ching-Wei Lee, Fang-Chung Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We utilize a polymer and self-assembled monolayers to create a self-adaptive transport layer (SATL) for high-performance perovskite photovoltaics. The device exhibits high power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of 19.63% under 1 sun standard illumination sunlight and a PCE of 33.54% under indoor light at 200 lux. This indoor PCE can match the current best record indoor efficiency for inverted perovskite devices.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0644
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P002
Hanmandlu Chintam Fluorine Functionalized Graphene Hole Selective Contacts for Efficient Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells
Hanmandlu Chintam, Chih-Wei Chu, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Chao-Sung Lai, Chang Gung University (Taiwan)

Here, we introduce fluorine functionalized graphene (FGr) layers with fine-tuned energy level as hole transport layers (HTLs) to improve high PCE and stability of inverted perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Non-wetting surface of FGr assisted to enhnace the crystallinity of Organic-inorganic trihalide perovskite (OTP) films with large aspect ratios than of PEDOT:PSS. Combining of High work-fucntion of HTLs interface, the enhnaced crystallinity and limited grian boundary area dramatically decreased the charge recombination losses in OTP films. Thus as FGr HTL for inverted PSCs, the best PCE reaches 19.37 %. Besides, the FGr HTL exhibits promising potential for application in flexible PSCs.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0465
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P003
Ming-Hong Huang Ultrastrongly coupled poly(1,4-phenylenevinylene)-based polymer microcavity
Chi-Yu Chiang, Ming-Hong Huang, Jui-Fen Chang, National Central University (Taiwan)

We study exciton-photon coupling and emission in polymer microcavities with poly(1,4-phenylenevinylene) derivative, Super Yellow (SY). With a sufficient thick SY film, we observe the generation of ultrastrong coupling with a Rabi splitting energy of ~1 eV and also an intense narrow-band polariton emission along a flat LP mode dispersion by radiative pumping. In an optimal cavity with matched LP low-energy states and exciton emission peak, the highest conversion efficiency of ~80% from bare exciton emission into polariton mode emission is achieved.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0254
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P004
Hong-Wei Chen XPS Analysis of Optical Coating Adhesion among Alumina Oxide, Silver, and Silicon Dioxide
Hong-Wei Chen, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan); Hsing-Yu Wu, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Chih-Hsuan Shih, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan); Cheng-Jia Lin, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Hung-Chun Lin, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan); Jin-Cherng Hsu, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan), Center for Astronomical Physics and Engineering, National Central University (Taiwan)

The metallic silver coating for optical telescopes can achieve high reflection from the visible to infrared spectrum. This kind of protective silver coating has been developed in our related publications. The environmental tests demonstrated that the proposed Ag film has high reflection, adhesion, and sulfurization resistance. In order to discover the material characteristics, the upper and lower layer of the Ag thin films were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results show that the bonding forces in these three layers are strong and capable of passing the adhesion test regarded to the adhesive regulation of ASTM D3359.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0360
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P005
Hung-Nien Yu Machine Learning Models for Predicting Power Conversion Efficiencies of Indoor Organic Photovoltaics
Hung-Nien Yu, Tsu-Hsin Li, Fang-Chung Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We develop four machine learning (ML) models which adopt the chemical structures of the donor and acceptor in bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaics (OPVs) as the features for predicting their power conservation efficiencies (PCEs) under artificial lighting conditions. Three different fingerprints are used to describe the structural features and chemical information of the active materials in OPVs. The accuracy of the ML models is improved after combining the chemical information from both donors and acceptors; the average values of the prediction accuracy estimated from cross-validation of the four models are more than 70%.The best accuracy (R2) of 0.77 can be achieved.


Manuscript ID.  0404
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P006
Hao-Wei Lin Lifetime Improvement by Increasing ALD Deposition Temperature
Hao-Wei Lin, Wei-Jie Lin, Chu-Hsuan Lin, National Dong Hwa University (Taiwan)

The Al2O3 deposited by ALD has already adopted in commercial Si solar cells. We have found that existence of native oxide before Al2O3 deposition is beneficial for lifetime after FGA but deleterious for higher temperature treatment, However, such high temperature simulated by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) cannot be avoided due to the commercial metallization. We also investigated the influence on lifetime evolution for samples with Al2O3 deposited at different temperatures. The deposition temperature at 300°C has a better lifetime performance after RTA than that at 200°C.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0120
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P007
Ping-Yu Lin Conversion Efficiency of InGaP/GaAs/Ge Triple-Junction Solar Cell Enhanced by Indium Nanoparticles Sheet Embedded in TiO2 Anti-Reflective Layer
Ping-Yu Lin, Wen-Jeng Ho, Jheng-Jie Liu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

The conversion efficiency of InGaP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cell (3J-SC) is significantly improved due to indium nanoparticles (In-NPs) sheet embedded in TiO2 anti-reflective layer with a thickness of 52 nm. The distance between In-NPs sheet and 3J-SC of plasmonics effect on the conversion efficiency was investigated. The In-NPs sheet 10 nm away from the surface of 3J-SC had the lowest weighted average reflectance as well as the highest conversion efficiency enhancement of 33.39 %, due to near-field plasmonic effects.


Manuscript ID.  0218
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P008
Wei-Jhe Lin Effects of ZnO nanorods electron transport layer on perovskite solar cells
Wei-Jhe Lin, Fang-I Lai, Jui-Fu Yang, Department of Electrical Engineering Program C (Taiwan); Shou-Yi Kuo, Department of Electronic Engineering (Taiwan), Department of Urology (Taiwan)

The photovoltaic performances of perovskite solar cells (PCE)were studied using
ZnO nanorods electron-transporting layer (ETL) which were prepared via chemical bath
deposition(CBD) method. These samples were characterized by FE-SEM, solar simulator
measurements and photoluminescence measurements to confirm ZnO nanorods microstructural and PSCs electrical properties by the different nanorod growth time.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0332
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P009
Guan-Jen Lai Luminescence of CsI and CsI:K Films under X-ray Excitation
Hsing-Yu Wu, System Manufacturing Center (Taiwan); Yu-Cheng Syu, Wei-Yu Chen, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan); Guan-Jen Lai, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Jin-Cherng Hsu, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan)

In this study, we investigated the luminous properties of pure cesium iodide (CsI) and potassium-doped CsI (CsI:K) films deposited by thermal vacuum evaporation at 250°C. The deposited films were evaluated by XRD patterns, FESEM cross-section/surface morphologies and X-ray luminescence (XL). The broad-band luminescence demonstrates from ~400 to 420 nm. The CsI films co-evaporated by 0 to 2 wt.% KI showed preferred crystal orientation at (110) and (200) and the larger crystalline column structure of ~10 μm.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0368
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P010
Chun-Wei Liu Application of Vertical Graphene Sheets Doped Nickel Oxide in Perovskite Solar Cells
Chun-Wei Liu, Zheng-Yue Jian, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Mei-Hsin Chen, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Wei-Shiuan Tseng, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

Abstract: In this study, vertical graphene sheets (VGSs) were directly synthesized by a Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition system and introduced into hole transport layer of perovskite-based photovoltaics. The best power conversion efficiency of NiOx:VGS device achieved 15.28%, which is higher than 14.13% of NiOx standard device without VGS doping. In addition, all electrical parameters were improved such as JSC from 19.32 mA/cm2 to 20.10 mA/cm2 and FF from 71.0 to 73.9% after VGS incorporation. All characteristics of VGS-doped NiOx were carefully investigated to explore the origin of improvements in devices.


Manuscript ID.  0415
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P011
Hsing-Yu Wu Sulfurization resistance of silver film for space optics
Hsing-Yu Wu, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (Taiwan), National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Shao-Rong Huang, National Central University (Taiwan), Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan); Cheng-Jia Lin, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Li-Jen Hsiao, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (Taiwan); Sheng-Feng Lin, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan); Jin-Cherng Hsu, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan)

High reflective metal optical thin film is fundamentally important for space optics. With regard to the spectrum from near-infrared to visible light, a silver thin film has a higher average reflection than an aluminum-coated optical mirror. A new silver thin film multilayer stack has been designed to achieve the characteristics of high reflections, adhesion, radiation resistance, and high-low cycling temperature. Since air pollution, volcanoes and humidity can exist sulfide to oxidize a silver film; this paper demonstrates that the proposed protective Ag film has sulfurization resistance if the silver mirrors are assembled, stored, and transported before launching to the sky.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0778
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P012
Yu-Hsun Cheng Electrical and Optical Characterization of TiO2/p-Si Heterojunction Silicon Solar Cells
Yu-Hsun Cheng, Wen-Jeng Ho, Jia-Chen Zhuang, Jheng-Jie Liu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

Fabrication and characterization of heterojunction solar cells with a wide energy gap oxide thin film (TiO2) on p-silicon are demonstrated in this study. Different thicknesses of TiO2 thin film deposited on p-type Si substrate using RF-sputter and subsequently a thin aluminum film as the carriers collected electrode deposited upon TiO2 layer using e-beam evaporation are proposed and studied to achieve higher efficiency. The impressive conversion efficiency of 10.98% for the cell with an optimized thickness of 3 nm TiO2 was obtained in present work.


Manuscript ID.  0288
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P013
Yao-Han Dong Efficient optical extraction of hot-carrier energy in Ag/n-Si Schottky Diode Photodetector
Yao-Han Dong, Yu-Ru Liu, Zih-Chun Su, Ching-Fuh Lin, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

Precious metals have the potential to reshape the energy distribution of electrons as they absorb photons. In our study, n-type silicon is used as the substrate and combined with silver to form Schottky infrared detector. Using focus method to increase hot-carrier concentration and enhance the per unit power photoresponse of silicon-based Schottky photodetector in the mid-infrared region, the response is increased by 2.624 and 1.7914 times at the wavelength of 4.26um and 5.3um, respectively


Manuscript ID.  0470
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P014
Chih-Yuan Chang Silver Nanowires Fabrication by Polyol Method inside PDMS for Stretch-Memory Electronic Skin
Chih-Yuan Chang, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Ying-Sheng Lin, National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch (Taiwan); Hsi-Chao Chen, Yuan-Cheng Cai, Chia-Yu Hsiao, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

High-length silver nanowires (AgNWs) were synthesized by polyol method, and then they were placed inside the PDMS for a stretchable memory electronic skin. However, the PDMS is modified with AgNWs has good transmittance of 77.4% during visible band, and it has good mechanical and electronic properties.


Manuscript ID.  0353
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P015
Ting-Jia Yang Angle-resolved HAXPES analysis of Al2O3/SiOx passivation layer for photovoltaics
Ting-Jia Yang, Man-Ying Wang, Wei-Chun Lin, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

A thick Al2O3 passivation layer (~10-20 nm) is known to increase carrier lifetime and to reduce passivate intrinsic defects of photovoltaics. In this study, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) system was used to investigate the surface chemistry of the Al2O3 passivation layer and SiOx thin film with different annealing temperatures. The hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) was used to confirm the chemical state of the SiOx thin films without removing Al2O3 layer. The angle-resolved HAXPES was used to reconstruct elemental depth profile without sputtering. The results show that higher SiOx intensity is obtained with increasing annealing temperatures.


Manuscript ID.  0478
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P016
Jia-Yu Lin Silver Nanoparticle Modified Cu2O/AZO NRs Hybrid Electrode for High Sensitivity Nonenzymatic Glucose Sensor
Jia-Yu Lin, Hsi-Chao Chen, Jin-Long Zou, You-Peng Lin, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

The Al doped ZnO nanorods (AZO NRs) were grown by hydrothermal method and the cuprous oxide (Cu2O) was deposited on AZO NRs by electrochemical deposition. Then, Ag nanoparticles were modified the Cu2O/AZO NRs electrode by surface plasma enhanced. The high sensitivity of 221.6 μAmM-1cm-2 was measured for a non-enzymatic glucose-sensor.


Manuscript ID.  0721
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P017
Min-Yang Lu Residual Stress in Aluminum Oxide Nano-films Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition
Chuen-Lin Tien, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Shih-Chin Lin, Ching-Chiun Wang, Hsuan-Fu Wang, Shih-Hsiang Lai, Fu-Ching Tung, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan); Min-Yang Lu, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

In this paper, the effect of nanoscale deposition thickness on the residual stress of aluminum oxide nano-films was investigated. With the increase of the deposition thickness, the Al2O3 thin film prepared by atomic layer deposition (ALD) will change from the compressive stress state to the tensile stress state. When the thickness increases from 79 nm to 126 nm, it is found that the tensile stress value of the Al2O3 thin film tends to increase. This result is also consistent with the literature report.


Manuscript ID.  0151
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P018
Kai-Cheng Syu Flat Panel Display Applicable High Performance Low Thermal Budget Tin monoxide Thin Film Transistor
Kai-Cheng Syu, Tsung-Che Chiang, Zhen-Hao Li, You-Syuan Zhou, Po-Tsun Liu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

In this work, a comprehensive study of tin monoxide (SnO) thin film transistor (TFT) was performed. In order to optimize SnO film, different approaches were investigated such as different O2/Ar ratio and post deposition annealing adjustments. With certain O2/Ar ratio, SnO TFT exhibited p-type electrical characteristics of high mobility of 0.58 cm^2/V∙s and on off current ratio (ION/IOFF) of 2.89E+02. To sum up, SnO TFT is very promising for applying to flat panel display technology.


Manuscript ID.  0386
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P019
Yu-Han Kung Photoelectrochemical Performance of P-type Copper Oxide/N-type Porous Silicon Heterojunction
Yu-Han Kung, Vincent K. S. Hsiao, National Chi Nan University (Taiwan)

P-type copper oxide (CuO-Cu2O)/n-type porous silicon (PSi) heterojunction was prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD) on PSi that was fabricated by metal-assisted chemical etching (MACE) method. After 10 cycles CBD deposition, large numbers of flow-like copper oxide microstructures that grew and covered PS provides the photocatalytic activities. Using two-electrode photoelectrochemical (PEC) measurement, 15 cycles deposition is favorable to have better PEC performance of generating 0.1 mA photocurrents under applied potential of 1 V.


Manuscript ID.  0010
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P020
Zhi-Yi Yeh Effect of Perovskite Layer Based on Lead Iodide with Different Mixing Organic Cation Ratios for Photovoltaic Characteristics of Perovskite Solar Cell
Zhi-Yi Yeh, Hsueh-Tao Chou, Chung-Hsuan Hsieh, Min-Yi Jiang, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

In this study, perovskite solar cells (PSCs) based on two organic cations with three different molar ratios are fabricated in a low humidity glove box by using two-step method. With the improvement of surface crystallization of perovskite layer, an optimal photoelectric conversion efficiency (PCE) of 12.08 % is achieved.


Manuscript ID.  0585
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P021
Chih-Kai Tsai An optimization algorithm applied to optical coating simulator
Chih-Kai Tsai, Shih-Kai Hsu, Hong-Lin Zhuo, Chien-Jen Tang, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

A simulation program combined with LabVIEW and Python optimization method to implement reverse engineering simulation of the multilayer spectrum was proposed in this study. After that, we would obtain the variation of the optical constant and thickness layer-by-layer.


Manuscript ID.  0586
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P022
Yi Chen Design and fabrication of reflection-type linear variable filters
Yi Chen, Chien-Jen Tang, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

The notch film with shadow-mask was used to design linear variable filter. A program was written to model and simulate the relative thickness of the Nb2O5-SiO2 composite films influenced by different target-substrate distance. Moreover, optimization of shadow-masks for Nb2O5-SiO2 composite films to achieve spatial variation in reflective‐band center wavelength across the substrate surface.


Manuscript ID.  0587
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P023
Zhi-Xuan Zhang Synthesis of Thermochromic W-doped VO2/TiO2(R)/AZO Prepared by High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering at Low Temperature (250 ℃)
Zhi-Xuan Zhang, Ching-Tang Li, Chien-Jen Tang, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

The vanadium dioxide based thin films with and without doping tungsten were deposited by reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering. The rutile titanium dioxide seed layer was used to assist growth monoclinic vanadium dioxide films. The crystalline quality and optical properties were investigated in detail using UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometer.


Manuscript ID.  0232
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P024
Jia-En Lee Effect of silver doping on CZTSe of absorber layer
Fang-I Lai, Jia-En Lee, Jui-Fu Yang, Yuan-Ze University (Taiwan); Shou-Yi Kuo, Chang Gung University (Taiwan), Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou (Taiwan)

In recent years, the photovoltaic absorber material Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe) has attracted attention due to the earth-abundance of its constituents and non-toxic properties. Intrinsic defects in the absorber layer of CZTSe are considered to limit the open circuit voltage cannot be improved. Here Ag is used to replace Cu in CZTSe to control and passivate the defect states in bandgap of kesterite CZTSe. In this experiment, FTO substrates were used to prepare CZTSe and partially Ag-substituted ACZTSe films by selenization after evaporation. These samples were characterized by FE-SEM, UV-Vis, to confirm the structural and optical properties.


Manuscript ID.  0628
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P025
Yu-Hung Lin IGZO thin films on the flexible substrate by using high-power impulse magnetron sputtering deposition
Yu-Hung Lin, Ruei-Jie You, Sheng-Hui Chen, National Central University (Taiwan)

Using novel high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering to process IGZO can make the film have high density and adhesion. In this study, IGZO was deposited into the flexible substrate and the bending test was performed. By observing thin and flexible substrates, the properties of the film will gradually degrade or even be directly damaged as a result of several compression stress tests.


Manuscript ID.  0870
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0801-P026
Hsueh-Yung Huang Optical and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Nitride Thin Films Prepared by Electron Beam Evaporation with Ion-Assisted Deposition
Hsueh-Yung Huang, Chuen Lin Tien, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

In this study, silicon nitride films were prepared by electron beam evaporation combined with ion deposition (IAD) technology. The effect of nitrogen flow rate on the optical and mechanical properties of silicon nitride films was investigated. When the process temperature is 170°C, the nitrogen flow rate is 2 sccm, the silicon nitride film has an average transmittance of 83.74% in the visible light range, a refractive index of 1.979, an extinction coefficient of 6.810-4, a compressive residual stress of 943 MPa and a surface roughness of 1.53 nm.