Session Index

S8. Thin Film and Photovoltaic Technology

Poster Session II
Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022  09:00-11:00
Room: 3F TR-A318

Manuscript ID.  0558
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P001
Zong-Xuan She Using Mn-doped nickel oxide as the hole transport layer for perovskite solar cells with high efficiency and stability
You-Wei Wu, Zong-Xuan She, Sheng-Hsiung Yang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

The manganese (Mn)-doped NiOx layer was prepared by sol-gel process to serve as the hole
transport layer (HTL) in inverted perovskite solar cells (PSCs). The perovskite film deposited on the
Mn-doped NiOx exhibited lower recombination and shorter carrier lifetime. The device based on 0.5
mol% Mn-doped NiOx HTL displayed the best power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 17.35% and a
high fill factor (FF) of 81%, which were significantly higher than the one using pristine NiOx HTL.
Moreover, the device retained 70% of its initial efficiency after 35 days storage under a halogen lamps
matrix exposure.


Manuscript ID.  0072
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P002
Hsin-Ting Lin Bandgap tunable MAPbIxBr3-x Perovskite Thin Film Via Double-sided Sandwich Evaporation Technique For Solar Cells
Jia-Ci Jhou, Hsin-Ting Lin, Ashish Gaurav, Ching-Fuh Lin, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

The performance of the metal halide-based perovskite is increasing at a rapid rate and
multi-junction solar cells have attracted immense attention in recent years. In this paper, we have
proposed a new technique (DS-SET) for the formation of mixed halide-based tunable bandgap
MAPbIxBr3-x perovskite thin film. The thin film characteristics show that by optimizing the SET
time, we can achieve a PCE (%) of 11.43% and Eg of 1.96 eV. Furthermore, the bandgap can be
tuned by changing in the SET time, which enables tandem solar cells with an efficiency above 26%.


Manuscript ID.  0322
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P003
Ting-Yen Lin The morphology dependent reflectance peak of obliquely deposited gold film on the ridges of a subwavelength grating
Yi-Jun Jen, Ting-Yen Lin, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

In this work, gold was obliquely deposited upon the ridges of a subwavelength grating made of PDAP polymer. The morphology of gold depends on the morphology of deposited gold film. The TE polarized reflectance increases with wavelength and exhibits the property of a wire grid polarizer. The abnormal TM polarized reflectance peak was measured and found to be varied with the morphology of gold. The magnetic field reversal within the ridges was demonstrated with finite-difference time-domain simulation.


Manuscript ID.  0164
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P004
Wei-Shuo Lai Enhancing the Efficiency of Triple-Cation Perovskite Solar Cells by Different Cationic-based Bromine Doping Ratios
Wei-Shuo Lai, Yu-Chen Liu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Ching-Ho Tien, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Lung-Chien Chen, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

We discuss the effect of the perovskite film in different doping ratios of the cesium bromide (CsBr) and methylammonium bromide (MABr). Finally, the solar cell prepared with Cs0.15FA0.81MA0.04PbI2.86Br0.14 as the active layer has the best photovoltaic characteristics, and its PCE reaches 18.7%.


Manuscript ID.  0453
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P005
Yu-Xuan Zhuang Co-Sputtering Sources of DC and RF Plasma for an All-Solid-State Electrochromic Devices
Yu-Xuan Zhuang, Hsi-Chao Chen, Ri-Jun Li, Wei-Xiang Wang, Cheng-En Cai, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

The WO3 doped TiO2 all-solid-state electrochromic devices were fabricated by co-sputtering with DC and RF plasma sources. The power of WO3 is 100W RF, then the doping power of TiO2 change from 10 to 50W by RF & DC. However, the transmittance variation (ΔT) of device can reach 68.3%@550nm.


Manuscript ID.  0469
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P006
Xin-Ya Zheng Investigation of Residual Stress of Thin Films on Wide-bandgap Semiconductor by Phase-shifting Interferometer
Xin-Ya Zheng, Hsi-Chao Chen, Kun-Hong Chen, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Bo-Huei Liao, Sheng-De Wong, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan); Szu-Hui Lee, Ming-Ying Wu, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

Home-made phase-shifting interferometer constructed a measurement system that can quickly and accurately analyze the residual stress of silicon substrate. The wide-bandgap Semiconductor of AlN deposited on silicon substrate with high-energy magnetron sputtering and realize the relative principal anisotropic stress analysis of the axial and shear stresses by phase-shifting interferometer.


Manuscript ID.  0528
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P007
Chia-Ming Yang The instability of illumination and IGZO thickness effect in LAPS
Chun-Hui Chen, Yan-Qi Liang, Leung Sze Tsui, Tzu-Min Huang, Chang Gung University (Taiwan); Chia-Ming Yang, Chang Gung University (Taiwan), Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou (Taiwan)

Light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) had been proven for pH sensing and 2D chemical imaging. Many semiconductor layers had been studied. Thin film semiconductor on glass can be a good candidate with simple process and industry compatibility. The first study of the illumination stability and thickness of semiconductor is proposed for the IGZO-based LAPS. Thinner IGZO layer can have a better stability with hysteresis width and drift of -12.8 mV and 0.37 mV/h, respectively.


Manuscript ID.  0781
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P009
Cheng-Chung Jaing Interface Layer between Polycarbonate and Ta2O5 Film by Low Pressure Oxygen Plasma Surface Treatment
Lin-Chun Huang, Min-Yang Huang, Minghsin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Chao-Te Lee, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan); Thi Hong Ngoc Nguyen, Yu-Wei Chen, Cheng-Chung Jaing, Bing-Mau Chen, Yih-Shing Lee, Minghsin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

The optical properties, thickness, and water contact angle of surface and interface layers between the polycarbonate (PC) and sputtered Ta2O5 films were investigated with spectrophotometer, spectroscopic ellipsometer, and contact angle measurement system, respectively. The surface of PC had been pretreated with low pressure oxygen plasma.


Manuscript ID.  0784
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P010
Cheng-Chung Jaing Optical Properties of Molybdenum Trioxide Thin Films Prepared by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering
Yu-Wei Chen, Thi Hong Ngoc Nguyen, Minghsin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Chao-Te Lee, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan); Cheng-Chung Jaing, Bing-Mau Chen, Yih-Shing Lee, Minghsin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

The optical properties and thickness of molybdenum trioxide thin films prepared by reactive DC magnetron sputtering were investigated with spectrophotometer and spectroscopic ellipsometer. The films were deposited under different O2/Ar flow rate ratios.


Manuscript ID.  0873
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P011
Pang-Liang Liu Characterization of Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Films with Ag-doping
Pang-Liang Liu, Chang Gung University (Taiwan); Shou-Yi Kuo, Chang Gung University (Taiwan), Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Taiwan); Fang-I Lai, Jui-Fu Yang, Yuan-Ze University (Taiwan)

Compare (Ag, Cu)2ZnSnSe4(ACZTSe) thin film with Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe) thin film,the variety of thin film of absorber layer by Ag-doping is investigated. After Ag is doped into Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin film, the grain becomes compact, and the band gap of the absorber layer increases from 0.99 to 1. 06eV.


Manuscript ID.  0069
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P012
Wei-Lin Su Anneal Study of p-Si/Ga2O3/Ag MOS Diode
Wei-Lin Su, National University of Kaohsiung (Taiwan)

The Ga2O3 film was prepared on quartz and Si substrate respectively by spray pyrolysis with following high temperature annealing in atmosphere. The optical bandgap extracted from Tauc plot for quartz/Ga2O3 samples shows an increase-stabilized character at 4.7eV while anneal temperature excess 800oC. The In/p-Si/Ga2O3/Ag MOS diodes were fabricated for the annealed p-Si/Ga2O3 structure with following In and Ag contacts formation. With the flat band voltage shift and hysteresis loop characterized in CV analysis, trap charge in p-Si/Ga2O3 decreases after 600oC annealing process. The effect of high temperature annealing to the diode was discussed.


Manuscript ID.  0047
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P013
Yean-San Long A Case Study of Developing SEMI Standards for emerging PV
Yean-San Long, Min-An Tsai, Teng-Chun Wu, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan)

This paper aims to summary the standardization research of pivot SEMI standards about emerging PV during 2013 to 2022. This work proposes three test methods in detailed specifications to guideline including current-voltage (I-V), spectrum response (SR) and durability. Based on these released standards, in order to determine its performance accurately and inspect the product’s defect or weakness in early stage. Through these standardizations, some comparability and quality estimations are given, which are helpful to alleviate the performances of emerging PV and influence the relevant reliability aspect in a long-term perspective.


Manuscript ID.  0074
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P014
Yean-San Long Interlaboratory comparison of emerging PV measurements under indoor lighting and AM1.5G conditions
Yean-San Long, Min-An Tsai, Teng-Chun Wu, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan)

Energy harvesting from the indoor/outdoor environment using PV has grown substantially. We have taken the first steps towards establishing such a consensus by performing an interlab comparison of measurements of a photovoltaic solar cell under three distinct low illumination reporting conditions. In this bilateral comparison, each laboratory uses a different technique for reporting the performance parameters of the cell under a fixed set of agreed upon illumination conditions. Our results good agreements under some reporting conditions and divergent results under another. Yet, first steps have been taken towards understanding the challenges of establishing a universally acceptable measurement.


Manuscript ID.  0075
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P015
An-Chi Wei Effects of environmental factors on photoelectric conversion efficiency of photovoltaics
Chia-Hao Cheng, An-Chi Wei, National Central University (Taiwan); Jyh-Rou Sze, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan)

The effects of the irradiance, the ambient temperature, the relative humidity on the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the solar panel were investigated. The experimental results in the outdoor and the indoor measurements showed that the irradiance has the highly positive correlation with the photoelectric conversion efficiency (PEC) of the solar panel within the irradiance range of 30-90 mW/cm2. Meanwhile, the ambient temperature and the absolute humidity have the highly negative correlation with the PEC. When the ambient temperature is controlled as a constant value, the relative humidity then has the highly negative correlation with the PEC.


Manuscript ID.  0017
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P016
Wen-Hao Cho The Electrical and Physical Characterization of n-type MoOX Thin-Film Fabricated by Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition
Ding-Yeong Wang, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Pi-Chun Juan, Chun-Yao Tou, Ming Chi University of Technology (Taiwan); Wen-Hao Cho, Chien-Lin Chen, Chi-Chung Kei, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan)

The MoOX thin films have been successfully fabricated by PE-ALD technique with Mo(CO)6 as the precursor. The physical and electrical properties as functions of film thickness and plasma power are studied. The crystalline belongs to monoclinic b-MoO3 phase. We found that MoOX films prepared are semiconductor n-type conducting materials. The carrier concentration increases with increasing film thickness, but slightly decreases with increasing the plasma power. The formation of oxygen vacancies during ALD process, which induce n-type conductivity may play an important role in current behavior.


Manuscript ID.  0046
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P017
Yean-San Long Evaluation indoor lighting simulator for PV
Yean-San Long, Min-An Tsai, Teng-Chun Wu, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan)

The measured I-V hysteresis is complicated by the vast array of different materials, lighting sources, and device architectures. In our study, We also have compared some type PV with the latter cells that exhibited promising power conversion efficiency and no hysteresis behavior under an indoor lighting simulator. We defined a performance ratio to compare indoor lighting and solar and the results will be shown different performance trends for the different types of PV in indoor/outdoor, which depends on the device. That will be shown what’s the type of PV that has energy harvesting for the indoor lighting measurement system.


Manuscript ID.  0112
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P018
En-Wei Ni Research on Improving Epitaxial Growth of Gallium Oxide by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Hsin-Chih Chen, En-Wei Ni, Chu-An Li, Ming-Chi Chou, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

In this experiment, sapphire is used as the substrate and Gallium Nitride is used as the buffer layer, and Gallium Oxide is grown by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy. The gas is mixed to grow Gallium Oxide by the showerhead. The crystal quality is optimized by changing the experimental conditions. Detailed analysis of thin films, including crystal quality, surface morphology, electrical and optical properties.


Manuscript ID.  0049
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P019
Sheng-De Wong Effects of high power impulse magnetron sputtering process on the environmental stability and surface structure of high reflection silver mirror
Sheng-De Wong, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute (Taiwan)

To improve the environmental stability, we selected high power impulse magnetron sputtering, this system is expected to increase the high packing density of silver mirror. The resultant silver mirror was characterized through the reflectance spectrometer, reflected-type optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. The experimental results show that the reflectance of silver mirror between the wavelength range of 450-850 nm was larger than 98%. After 24-hour high-temperature and high-humidity storage test, the reflectance of silver mirror between this same wavelength range was larger than 97%.


Manuscript ID.  0639
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P020
Bo-Jing Wu Photocatalytic performance of Cu-doped ZnO Thin films by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Yi-Sheng Yang, Tai Chen, Bo-Jing Wu, W k Hung, D R Liu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

This paper investigates the photocatalytic properties of CZO films by varying the process parameters using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on C-surface sapphire substrates with a laser wavelength of 266 nm, pulse width <10 ns, and pulse frequency of 10 Hz. By varying the copper doping of ZnO, the experimental results confirmed that the CZO films prepared with the ratio of Cu0.03Zn0.97O had the best degradation degree for photodegradation experiments.


Manuscript ID.  0916
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P021
Tai-Hsin Yin Harvesting photocurrent boosted by heterostructured semiconducting copper oxides for solar water splitting
Tai-Hsin Yin, Bu-Jine Liu, Yu-Wei Lin, Yi-Syuan Li, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Han-Chen Chang, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan); YongMan Choi, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

Solar energy-driven hydrogen generation from water is crucial to meet the requirements for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Copper oxide semiconductor thin films were prepared by electrodeposition, and thermal oxidation at different temperatures was applied to fabricate heterostructured thin films, demonstrating higher photocurrent than monolayered thin films due to better electron-hole separation and higher carrier density.


Manuscript ID.  0917
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0802-P022
Bu-Jine Liu Design of novel electrode materials for supercapacitors using a high entropy oxide
Bu-Jine Liu, Tai-Hsin Yin, Yu-Wei Lin, YongMan Choi, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

A high-entropy oxide (HEO) was fabricated to apply for a high-performance supercapacitor. Thin-film supercapacitors were prepared using five cations (Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, and Cr) via the sol-gel spin coating method, exhibiting enhanced supercapacitor performance compared to CuO thin films.