10:45 - 11:15
Manuscript ID. 0921
Paper No. 2022-SAT-S0903-I001
Invited Speaker: Nguyen Van Hieu
The study of Deep-Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes (UVLEDs) with Multi Quantum Wells (MQWs) structures for the sterilization and ozone concentration.
Nguyen Van Hieu, University of Science, VNUHCM (Viet Nam)
In this work, the UVLED structures with multi-quantum wells (MQWs) were studied to calculate the physical and optical properties by SiLENse (Simulator of Light Emitters based on Nitride Semiconductors) software. The several structures of ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UVLEDs) with their emission range from 250nm to 380nm were studied. The output parameters of their structures are included: band diagram, emission spectra, current-voltage (I-V) characteristic, Internal Quantum Efficiency,... The dependence of the emission wavelength to the structural parameter of uvled (as Al component in AlxInyGa1-xN layer, layer thickness and the number of MQWs, doping concentration, thickness of the layers buffer /barrier…) were determined.
11:15 - 11:30
Manuscript ID. 0163
Paper No. 2022-SAT-S0903-O001
Xin-Ya Lai
Ultra-precise liquid level sensor by using a tapered-fiber Bragg grating
Xin-Ya Lai, Feng-Chia University (Taiwan); Wei-Lin Shu, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan), Feng-Chia University (Taiwan); Wen-Fung Liu, Yu-Chun Chang, Feng-Chia University (Taiwan)
An ultra-precise liquid level sensor based on tapered fiber Bragg grating is proposed with the sensitivity of 7.1dB/mm to have the ability to monitor the tens micro-meters liquid-level variation.
11:30 - 11:45
Manuscript ID. 0683
Paper No. 2022-SAT-S0903-O002
Shu-Cheng Lo
High Performance Plasmonic Sensors Using Hybrid Modes in Gold Nanoslit Arrays on Bragg Nanostructures
Shu-Cheng Lo, National Taiwan University (Taiwan), Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Chia-Wei Lee, Sheng-Hann Wang, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Ruey-Lin Chern, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Pei-Kuen Wei, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
In this work, we present a highly sensitive label-free optical sensor based on a hybrid mode of high order Tamm state of Bragg photonic structures and Bloch-wave surface plasmon polariton (BW-SPP) in the gold nanoslit. The performance of the hybrid mode is optimized by changing the parameters of nanostructures such as period, width and thickness of gold-coated layer. Compared with conventional Tamm plasmon state which confines light using Bragg reflector and planer gold film, the hybrid mode has much stronger evanescent field on the metallic surface. Compared to the conventional BW-SPP mode, the hybrid mode has a much narrower linewidth.
11:45 - 12:00
Manuscript ID. 0738
Paper No. 2022-SAT-S0903-O003
Michael Grady
Screening of Affinity and Selectivity of Enterovirus-Natural Drug Interactions using Plasmonic Biosensor
Michael Grady, Mochamad Januar, Samuel Husin Surya Mandala, Chang Gung University (Taiwan); Liang-Tzung Lin, Taipei Medical University (Taiwan); Kou-Chen Liu, Chang Gung University (Taiwan), Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Taiwan)
Herein, we show that surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors can be used as a direct and real-time approach to accurately quantify virus–drug binding affinities and selectivity in drug screening. A dose-response calibration scheme based on real-time SPR sensorgrams was utilized for direct quantification of the affinity and selectivity of natural drugs against enteroviruses in Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (HFMD). Using this approach, we demonstrated that chebulagic acid (CHLA) exhibits 2-fold higher affinity-selectivity performance toward enterovirus-71 and coxsackievirus-A16 than punicalagin, revealing that CHLA is a potential candidate for developing HFMD drugs made from natural ingredients.