Session Index

S9. Optical Sensing

Poster Session I
Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022  14:00-16:00
Room: 3F TR-A318
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0056
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P001
Siang-Yu Yeh Direct Optical-dispersion Estimation by Spectrogram for Fast Group Delay Dispersion Detection
Siang-Yu Yeh, Shu-Yu Chang, Jui-Chi Chang, Chia-Yuan Chang, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

In this paper, the FROG (frequency resolved optical gating) real-time pulse measurement
system based on GRENOUILLE (grating-eliminated no-nonsense observation of ultrafast incident
laser light e-fields) combined with the self-developed DOES (direct optical-dispersion estimation by
spectrogram) algorithm is aimed at the speed and accuracy of GDD (group delay dispersion) analysis.
Compared with the analysis speed of the traditional PCGPA (principal component generalized projection
algorithm) algorithm of 70 ms, DOES can reach the analysis speed of 0.5ms. The analysis speed can be
increased by at least 140 times, and this technology can be applied to the subsequent real-time pulse
correction system.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0142
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P002
Chi-Fan Lu Reliability of Gap-Gate Amorphous Silicon TFT under Bias and Illumination
Chi-Fan Lu, Yi-Cheng Yuan, Ya-Hsiang Tai, Hua-Wei Liu, Yi-Hsiang Lo, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

The gap-gate amorphous silicon thin-film transistor (a-Si TFT) is considered a good optical sensing device for its high sensing current and simple process. The reliability issue must be clarified before it can be used in applications such as fingerprint sensors. In this paper, the device is stressed under bias and illumination and the behavior is studied.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0167
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P003
Zong-Han Wu High Performance Self-aligned a-IGZO Thin Film Transistor by Back Side exposure for photo-sensor Applications
Zong-Han Wu, Tsung-Che Chiang, Zhen-Hao Li, Po-Tsun Liu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Yue Kuo, Texas A&M University (USA)

This work presents the fabrication details and measured performance of amorphous-indium gallium zinc oxide thin-film transistors (a-IGZO TFTs). A high-performance a-IGZO TFT with self-aligned back-side exposure were investigated, exhibiting not only a high mobility of 10.08 V/cm2∙s, high ION/IOFF of 3.98×106 and sub-threshold swing of 90 mV/dec., also lower the fabrication cost for less photo-mask. Furthermore, self-aligned a-IGZO TFT could be applied for photo-sensor applications, reaching a high signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 2.68×103. To sum up, the self-aligned a-IGZO TFT are highly promising for photo-sensor and switch on pixel integration, realizing the idea of system on panel (SOP).

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0380
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P004
Pin-Po Huang The effect of tip structures on the efficiency of hydrogel-based optical fiber sensor for zinc detection
Pin-Po Huang, Li-Yin Chen, Hsin-Fei Meng, National yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

Zinc ions plays several key roles in normal physiology and in pathological conditions as it is a transsynaptic mediator. The detection of zinc ion is also critical to study the dynamics of biological processes such as stroke and other brain traumas or to monitor the status of brains during surgery. Therefore, a bio-compatible optical fiber sensor for zinc ion detection in real-time is useful. In this work, three tip structures for the hydrogel-based optical fiber zinc sensors were designed to study the effect of tip structures on the efficiency of hydrogel-based optical fiber sensor via LightTools simulation.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0385
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P005
Kuei-Chun Yeh Laser heating fiber Michelson interferometer with silver mirror reaction
Kuei-Chun Yeh, Hsu-Hui Chou, Cheng-Ling Lee, National United University (Taiwan)

This study proposes a highly sensitive liquid core fiber Michelson interferometer (LCFMI) with silver mirror reaction (SMR) that can be heated by a 980 nm pumping laser diode (LD) to obtain desired steady-state high temperature (T). Experimental result shows the SMR-LCFMI with a micron-scaled liquid core fiber (LCF) is effectively heated to vary its interference spectra significantly. The proposed SMR-LCFMI is effectively heated by a laser-diode (LD) with a high sensitivity of about 4.64 nm/mA with a steadily linear response.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0391
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P006
I-Jou Lin Taichung
I-Jou Lin, Yung-Lin Chen, Zhi-Yan Lin, Tian-Le Lan, Jing-Heng Chen, Kun-Huang Chen, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

A novel optomechanical system was proposed for measuring the depth in an object. In this system, because of the shallow depth of field making by diffuser, the focus position of the fixed focal lens is almost equal to the object distance. It only need to confirm the focus position without complicated calculations to get the depth data of the object. This system has been verified its feasibility in the experiment.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0523
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P007
Zhi-Ping Guan The Absolute Ranging through Frequency-Scanning Interferometry for a Compact LiDAR System
Zhi-Ping Guan, Shih-Hsiang Hsu, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

A digital auxiliary interferometer is utilized as a clock to correct the swept laser non-linear frequency phenomenon by resampling the signal through the frequency-scanning interferences. A Hilbert-transform phase subdivision method is superior to analog Zero-crossing and Peak-resampling and experimentally showed that the target away from 100 cm was measured with a 0.004 cm standard deviation when the optical phased delay of the auxiliary interferometer was 50 cm. This Hilbert phase subdivision successfully demonstrates that the optical delay of an auxiliary interferometer is half of the length of a target distance for a compact LiDAR system.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0613
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P008
Zhe-Wei Hsu Air-sphere polymer fiber Fabry–Pérot interferometer
Zhe-Wei Hsu, Cheng-Ling Lee, National United University (Taiwan)

This paper proposes an air-sphere polymer fiber Fabry-Pérot (FP) interferometer (ASPFFPI) which is based on polymer-filled hollow core fiber (HCF). The front section of the HCF remained air was gradually formed an air-sphere during the filling process. The air-sphere can be formed as a fixed FP cavity by UV-cured polymer inside the HCF. The variation of the PF cavity is greatly enhanced by changing temperature (T) from exploiting the elastic polymer with high thermal expansion coefficient (TEC). Measurements reveal that when the ASPFFPIs with a similar size air-sphere, more amount of polymer can achieve higher T-sensitivity.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0850
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P009
Yan-Ching Lee Simultaneous Temperature and Stress Sensing based on Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis (BOTDA)
Yan-Ching Lee, Zi Wang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Hiroki Kishikawa, Tokushima University (Japan); Jingo Chen, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (Taiwan); Jiun-Yu Sung, Shien-Kuei Liaw, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

Abstract: Dispersion shifted fiber and single mode fiber with different original Brillouin frequencies are used for simultaneous temperature and stress monitoring. From the 2x2 matrix, we find that the temperature increases from 25℃ to 70℃ (△ t=45℃) corresponding to 10.52GHz and 10.475GHz Brillouin frequency for DSF, individually. Also, the Brillouin frequency drift is 0.08GHz for single mode fiber, from 10.44 GHz to 10.52 GHz, corresponding to 729με stress variation.


Manuscript ID.  0018
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P010
Jun-Wei Lin High sensitive common–path heterodyne polarimeter
Ming-Hung Chiu, Jun-Wei Lin, National Formosa University (Taiwan)

The polarimeter can determine whether the object is a left- or right-handed substance, and obtain the tiny polarization rotation of the sample through substituting the measured phase into the derived function.The best resolutions of the optical rotation and the concentration of the test solutions are 1.091×〖10〗^(-3) (degree) and 2.3×〖10〗^(-3)(g⁄(dl),) respectively. The optimal temperature resolution through the optical rotation measurement in the temperature range of 30℃~65℃ is 0.12°C.


Manuscript ID.  0031
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P011
Chien-Chung Tsai Investigation of D1 mini Illuminometer development by Using Machine Learning Based upon Data Science
Chien-Chung Tsai, Wen-Chin Hsieh, Shao-Wei Lu, Mingshin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

This work proposed a brand new approaching for the development of illuminometer with D1 mini controller based upon machine learning and data science. The study demonstrates three key results. D1 mini micro controller fully supports the measurement of illuminometer which range is from 0.1Lux to 1000Lux utilized by four bands. There is the highest resolution power 561 per lux in loading resistance 500 ohm. The threshold of AD value is 166 in this highest resolution power. Finally, the accuracies of machine learning are 73% and 64.3% by a three and four multi labels Logistic Regression Classifiers, respectively.


Manuscript ID.  0052
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P012
Sheng-Lun Lin Research on Monitoring Silver Nano-Particle Fabrication with Loss Mode Resonance Sensor
Yu-Cheng Lin Lin, Sheng-Lun Lin, Chien-Kai Lee, Rui-Han Sheng, Yu-Xiang Wang, Ming Chuan University (Taiwan)

The lossy mode resonance (LMR) sensor was applied to monitor the silver nanoparticles (SNPs), which was produced by a blue LED light array irradiating on the silver ion aqueous solution for the catalytic reaction. The generation process of the SNPs verified the correlation with the variation of the LMR wavelength in the experiment.


Manuscript ID.  0139
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P013
Yi-Long Chen Enhancing Mid-Infrared Photoelectric Response by Using Surface Plasmon Resonance and Silicon-Based Inverted Pyramid Structure
Yi-Long Chen, Bo-Heng Chen, Chi-Shiang Chen, Ching-Fuh Lin, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

Combining the Schottky barrier and the 12-μm-width inverted pyramid structure enables the Si-based photodetector to produce not only the greater confinement effect but also the stronger surface plasmon resonance to increase the excitation probability of hot carriers and leads to the mid-infrared photocurrent response to be enhanced.


Manuscript ID.  0263
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P014
Yan-He Liu Fabrication and Characterization of 1310 nm Wavelength Single Photon Avalanche Detector
Yan-He Liu, Wen-Jeng Ho, Wen-Yan Lu, Jheng-Jie Liu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

We fabricated and characterized planar-type InAlAs/InP single-photon avalanche detector (SPAD) with separate absorption, grading, charge, hetero-multiplication (SAGCHM) layer structure. The dark count rate (DCR) of 1.84 × 105 Hz, single-photon detection efficiency (SPDE) of 20.47 %, after-pulsing probability of 8.40 %, and time jitter of 1.940 ns were obtained when the fabricated SPAD was operated at room temperature with an excess biasing voltage of 0.9 V.


Manuscript ID.  0331
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P015
Bo-Rui Lai Fabrication of a Silicon-Based Vertical Illuminated Germanium Infrared Photodetector
Bo-Rui Lai, Guan-Yu Li, zingway Pei, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)

In this experiment, germanium is selected as the material to absorb infrared light. Due to the difference in lattice constant between germanium and silicon, the difficulties encountered in the experiment are increased. Therefore, the structure needs to be designed to offset it. Infrared photodetector using vertical PIN diode combined with micro-hole arrays are dug out on the top of the component surface, which can be used to increase light absorption. The surface and cross-section of the film are observed by scanning electron microscope and finally, measured and analyze its electrical and optical properties.


Manuscript ID.  0432
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P016
Nan-Fu Chiu Development of Biosensors for Quantitative Analysis of Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) by Recombinase Polymerase Amplification
Ying-Hao Wang, Nan-Fu Chiu, Electro-Optical Science and Technology (Taiwan)

Since 2019, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has spread rapidly around the world. In this study, the highly conserved N gene sequence of SARS-CoV-2 was amplified by recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA), which has the advantages of rapidity, efficiency and high sensitivity. In addition, there were few methods for quantitative RPA, such as surface plasmon resonance (SPR), were used for quantitative detection of SARS-CoV-2. The assay’s limit of detection (LOD) is 10 copies/µL of SARS-CoV-2 DNA. This study developed quantitative detection methods for SARS-CoV-2.


Manuscript ID.  0433
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P017
Ming-Hsien Li Broadband Photodetector based on 2D Layered Perovskite/ZnO Nanorod Heterojunction
Ming-Hsien Li, Lian-Da Xiao, Jia-Jie Jhang, National Chi Nau University (Taiwan); Peter Chen, National Chen Kung University (Taiwan); Hsiang Chen, National Chi Nau University (Taiwan)

In this work, we fabricated a broadband photodetector based on two-dimensional (2D) layered perovskite (PSK)/ZnO nanorods (NRs) heterojunction. Integration of 2D layered perovskite with the ZnO NRs PDs can extend the photosensing capability covering ultraviolet light to visible light. The performance of 2D PSK/ZnO NRs PDs was optimized by changing the thickness of 2D PSK. Our results demonstrated that 2D PSK/ZnO NRs composites were promising materials for broadband wavelength detection from ultraviolet to visible light.


Manuscript ID.  0481
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P018
Hua-Chuan Weng Two parameters detecting by using one Silicon core based fiber Bragg grating
Hua-Chuan Weng, Ying-Tzu Lin, Hsien-Yuan Chiu, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Kimio Oguchi, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Yi-Lin Yu, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

In this article, we theoretically simulated a silicon core-based fiber Bragg grating and applied for temperature and environmental refractive index sensing simultaneously. The sensitivities of the temperature and refractive index were 79.25 pm/oC and -91.24 dB/RIU, respectively, within a range of the temperature in 0 to 45 oC and the refractive index in 1.0 to 1.4. The proposed fiber sensor head can provide a method with simple and high sensitivity for various sensing target.


Manuscript ID.  0552
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P019
Pin-Yu Lu Motor Vibration Sensor Based on a Fiber Bragg Grating
Pin-Yu Lu, Wen-Fung Liu, Feng-Chia University (Taiwan); Chia-Tse Hsu, Feng-Chia University (Taiwan), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Chih-Chuan Chiu, Feng-Chia University (Taiwan), Nation Taiwan University (Taiwan); Wei-Chen Li, Shih-Hsien Hsu, Yi-Lin Yu, Feng-Chia University (Taiwan)

In this paper, we propose a contact-type fiber grating vibration sensor, which is based on the grating wavelength shift caused by the induced strain from the vibration signal for applying in monitoring a motor-operating performance.


Manuscript ID.  0555
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P0901-P020
Yu-Chun Chang The Hydrophone Based on Fiber Bragg Gratings
Yu-Chun Chang, Shian-Ming Liu, Wen-Fung Liu, Feng-Chia University (Taiwan)

A novel fiber hydrophone is proposed for detecting acoustic-wave signals of underwater. The hydrophone consists of fiber Bragg grating, silicon thin-film, and 3D print structure.