Session Index

S9. Optical Sensing

Poster Session II
Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022  09:00-11:00
Room: 3F TR-A318

Manuscript ID.  0556
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P001
Wei-Chen Li Highly Sensitive Pressure Sensor Based on Bragg Fiber Gratings
Wei-Chen Li, Shian-Ming Liu, Wen-Fung Liu, Feng-Chia University (Taiwan)

In this paper, we propose a novel fiber sensor by using a fiber grating and a special packaged structure. The operating principle is based on the grating wavelength shift which is proportional to the applied pressure.


Manuscript ID.  0557
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P002
Chien-Hsing Chen Study of fiber-optic sensor based on dual nanoplasmonic structures
Chien-Hsing Chen, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Chang-Yue Chiang, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Cheng-Ling Lee, National United University (Taiwan); Jian-Neng Wang, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

This study develops a fiber-optic sensor based on dual nanoplasmonic structures for refractive index sensing by a CO2 laser engraving. The sensor based on dual nanoplasmonic structures was modified by gold sphere nanoparticles and gold nanorods simultaneously in two different fiber sensing zones. This type of sensor has shown the capacity of simultaneously sensing two different channels of localized surface plasmon resonance signals, with a relatively high refractive index sensitivity.


Manuscript ID.  0563
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P003
Chien-Hsing Chen V-shaped fiber-optic interferometer sensor by CO2 laser micromachining
Chien-Hsing Chen, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Chang-Yue Chiang, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Cheng-Ling Lee, National United University (Taiwan); Jian-Neng Wang, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Han-Hung Tseng, National Chung Cheng University (Taiwan)

This study develops a V-shaped fiber-optic interferometer sensor by CO2 laser micromachining. The V-shaped fiber-optic interferometer advantage is simple of composition, miniaturization, ease of operation, and excellent sensitivity to the surrounding refractive index. According to experimental results, the V-shaped fiber-optic interferometer is temperature insensitive and for the refractive index is a growth curve exponential increase.


Manuscript ID.  0577
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P004
Chung-Kai Tseng Chirality Discrimination Based on Dislocated Nanoslits
Chung-Kai Tseng, Tang-Chun Liu, Sheng-Chun Yao, Chao-Yi Tai, National Central (Taiwan)

In this study, dislocated nanoslit pairs in gold films are designed to achieve spatial discrimination for molecules with opposite chirality. Through finite difference time domain (FDTD) analysis, optimal structural parameters are obtained that yields a chiral dependent optical force of 1.5 µN/Wcm2 on a molecule-nanoparticle hybrid of 10 nm in diameter. This force can stably trap/propel chiral molecules at room temperature (25 °C) against the Brownian motions in water.


Manuscript ID.  0602
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P005
Cheng-Yao Weng Photo-decoration of Au Nanoparticles on Cu2O Microspheres for the Ultra-sensitive SERS Detection of Rhodamine B and Methylene Blue
Cheng-Yao Weng, Kai-Jiun Chen, Elumalai Ashok Kumar, Tzyy-Jiann Wang, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

We present the synthesis of Au nanoparticles on Cu2O microspheres to form noble-metal/semiconductor nanocomposites for the strong Raman signal enhancement by simultaneous utilization of electromagnetic and chemical mechanisms. The Au/Cu2O nanocomposites produced by the polyol and photochemical methods own the excellent SERS performance, including the enhancement factor around 10^12 and the limit of detection about 10^-13 M. These superior characteristics can be attributed to strong interaction between nanocomposites and organic dye molecules by localized surface plasmon resonance and effective charge transfer.


Manuscript ID.  0614
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P006
Ting-Wei Chang Insect Odorant Binding Protein 2 Integrated with Flow Digital Nanoplasmon-metry for Neonicotinoid Pesticide Residues Sensing in Beverages
Ting-Wei Chang, Sheng-Hann Wang, Iuan Sheau Chin, Shu-Cheng Lo, Shu-Yi Hsieh, Research Center for Applied Sciences (Taiwan); Jung-Hsin Lin, Research Center for Applied Sciences (Taiwan), Biomedical Translation Research Center (Taiwan); Pei-Kuen Wei, Research Center for Applied Sciences (Taiwan)

Neonicotinoids are a class of broad-spectrum insecticide which contain potential risk to harmless insects such as bees. In our research, we apply neonicotinoid-bound odorant binding protein 2 (OBP2) with flow digital nanoplasmon-metry (Flow DiNM) which based on the spectral image contrast method of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as sensing strategy. The detection limit is down to 5 ppb within only a 30-minute reaction and 500 μL sample volume requirement. Compared with the conventional method, e.g. ESI-MS, Flow DiNM provides much higher sensitivity, feasibility, and faster readout on neonicotinoids detection.


Manuscript ID.  0617
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P007
Cheng-Yu Cho Birefringent Sensing Head Based on Total Internal Reflection for Sensitivity Enhancement
Ruey-Ching TWU, Yi-Ren Sun Sun, Cheng-Yu Cho, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

A birefringent sensing head was demonstrated successfully for the noninvasive fluidic concentration measurement based on total internal reflection to enhance measurement sensitivity in a common path heterodyne interferometer. The best measurement resolutions of concentration and RI variations are 16 ppm and 3×10-7 RIU, respectively.


Manuscript ID.  0669
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P008
Ming-Jyun Ye Revisable Tuning of Tamm Plasmon Polaritons
Ming-Jyun Ye, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Kuo-Ping Chen, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

Phase-change materials (PCMs) provide a specific combination of optical tuning properties. The binary semiconducting chalcogenide Sb2S3 is considered one of the promising candidates; especially for its intrinsic high refractive index, low loss and wide bandgap properties in near infrared (NIR). Here, the Sb2S3 transformation from amorphous to crystal state embedded between the distribute Bragg reflector (DBR) and metal layer. With the proposed design, phase-change Tamm plasmon–polariton (PC-TPP) resonance could be produce. The PC-TPP resonance has a 70 nm modulation in wavelengths. Also, the resonance achieves around 100 nm-shifted in NIR at the designed incident angle.


Manuscript ID.  0671
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P009
Pei-Chun Tseng Preliminary Measurements of Infrared Absorption and Optical Sensor Modeling of Microplastics.
Pei-Chun Tseng, Jie-Yi Chen, Yi-Chun Chen, National Central University (Taiwan)

Preliminary absorbance measurements of various solutions and plastic particles in
the characteristic infrared band of microplastics were conducted. The measuring configuration
is based on the structure of Michelson interferometer. Five solutions and two sizes of plastic
particles were tested, including pure water, sodium chloride solution, alcohol and solutions with
added dispersant. Additionally, a semi-ellipsoid sensing structure with randomly distributed
microplastics is simulated by using the ASAP raytracing engine.


Manuscript ID.  0686
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P010
Ting-Jui Tu High Sensitivity Surface Plasmon Image-based measurement with Automated Detection System
Ting-Jui Tu, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Shu-Cheng Lo, Sheng-Hann Wang, Pei-Kuen Wei, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)

In this work, we present a high sensitivity surface plasmon resonance image (SPRi)
system for biosensing. An automated system is used by computer program to connect all
instruments, including robot arm, pump and CCD camera. using the SPR in periodic metallic
nanostructures, a position-sensitive measurement method for tracking resonant signals. The
system can available in high-throughput, label free and immediacy. And it is also unnecessary
professional operation and user-friendly interface. In summary, the image-based system
performs high sensitivity under refractive index change and stable noise level. Also, the SPRi
would make the real time bio-measure more simply operated.


Manuscript ID.  0695
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P011
Ting-Ming Huang Weeding in the Field with a Robotic Arm and Camera Onboard
Yih-Ran Sheu, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Ting-Ming Huang, Da-Ren Liu, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan); Shean-Jen Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Kuang-Hua Chang, Council of Agricutral (Taiwan)

A weeding mechanism and a camera on top of a robotic arm is applied to achieve the goal of automatic weeding. The whole set is installed at the bottom of an unmanned ground vehicle. A camera nearby the weeding mechanism is also facilitated. During the movement of the vehicle, image of soybean plants and weed in the field are captured. Through image processing algorism, weed is recognized and can be removed.


Manuscript ID.  0735
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P012
JING HAO HUANG Creating hot spots within air for better sensitivity through design of oblique wire bundle metamaterial perfect absorbers
TSUNG-YU HUANG, JING HAO HUANG, Ming Chi University of Technology (Taiwan)

Better sensitivity of a biosensor could boost up the detection limit of analytes. In this paper, we fabricated an oblique flat sheet (OFS) metamaterial perfect absorber (MPA) by e-beam lithography process for a seed layer and then by oblique deposition. When considering the stochastic nature of oblique-fat-sheet, the randomly distributed oblique-wire-bundle (OWB) were used and in simulation, its sensitivity is boosted up to 3319 nm/RIU. Finally, we demonstrate that the sensitivity is 1329 nm/RIU of detection in different glucose solutions, which is four times higher than the 330 nm/RIU of the planar MPA.


Manuscript ID.  0757
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P013
Wei-Lin Li Indium Gallium Oxide Solar Blind Photodetector With Different Oxygen Concentration
Wei-Lin Li, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan), Kun Shan University (Taiwan); Kuan-Yu Chen, Ching-Chien Hsu, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan); Chih-Chiang Yang, Kun Shan University (Taiwan); Yan-Kuin Su, Kun Shan University (Taiwan), National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

Amorphous indium–gallium–oxide solar–blind metal–semiconductor–metal photodetectors were fabricated by using co-sputtering method. There are three samples with different oxygen concentrations, namely, sample A without oxygen, sample B with 2% oxygen concentration, and sample C with 4% oxygen concentration. The applied bias was 5 V during device characterization. Sample C showed significantly better value of UV-to-visible rejection ratios and dynamic responses of the decay times. And the performance of the rise time is approximately proportional to the oxygen flow ratio.


Manuscript ID.  0789
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P014
CHING-I TAI Introduction of Sun Sensor for cubeSat
CHING-I TAI, CHANG-HSUN LIU, YU-SHOU LIU, GUAN-YU HUANG, YUNG-JHE YAN, MANG OU-YANG, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); CHEN-YU CHAN, TUNG-YUN HSIEH, National Space Organization (Taiwan)

This paper presents the three types of sun sensors include the advantages of compact, efficient, and simple of design for the satellite attitude of CubeSat. In begin with, a rectangular coarse sun sensor (CSS) is designed to determine the Sun’s position and increase the field of view. In addition, the others belong to the fine sun sensors (FSS) consists of more than one independent photodiode and have slit masks to get high level accuracy. Base on the formula and simulation results, we can acquire the attitude determination capabilities with minimal process for CubeSat.


Manuscript ID.  0839
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P015
Yi-Ming Li Development of coffee roasting degree analyzer with dual-channel sensing method
Yi-Ming Li, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Li-Fu Hsu, Hwh Hsia Institute of Technology (Taiwan); Tsung-Xian Lee, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

This study aims to develop a coffee roasting degree analyzer with dual-channel sensing. In this study, samples were prepared for coffee beans with different roasting degrees and varieties. Then the spectrum measurements of visible and infrared light channels were performed on these coffee beans to construct a data set, and then principal component analysis was used to find the critical spectrum, and finally the model was used. The preliminary test results of this study show that it is found that a low-cost analyzer with a high-resolution rate comparable to Agtron can be obtained through the process steps of this study.


Manuscript ID.  0912
Paper No.  2022-SUN-P0902-P016
Bo-Ren Lin Organic Phototransistor with High Responsivity in Visible-Light-Band via Tri-Layer Light-Absorbing Layer
Yi-Chieh Hsu, Bo-Ren Lin, Ching-Lin Fan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

In this paper, we reported a high-performance broadband organic phototransistor (OPT) using a tri-layer heterostructure of pentacene/SubPc/C60. Utilizing the synergistic effect of strong complementary photo-absorption, efficient exciton dissociation, and high mobility of the channel layer, a high responsivity in the visible region was realized. The PVA/PVP bilayer gate dielectric-based OPT with the tri-layer light-absorbing layer (pentacene/SubPc/C60) achieves high responsivity to 122 A/W at 660 nm and high carrier mobility to 4.48 cm2 V-1 s-1.