Session Index

S10. Metaverse Photonics

Metaverse Photonics I
Friday, Dec. 2, 2022  13:00-15:00
Presider: Yu-Chieh Cheng、Ye-Wei Yu
Room: 2F A206
13:00 - 13:30
Manuscript ID.  0910
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1001-I001
Invited Speaker:
Chih-Wei Huang
Machine Learning-based 3D Visual Positioning
Chih-Wei Huang, National Central University (Taiwan)

3D Visual positioning is a critical function in applications such as navigation and extended reality (XR) experiences. Recently, machine learning technologies have been actively applied to the positioning task. In this talk, advances in machine learning-based 3D visual positioning will be firstly introduced. Also, our latest works on 3D point cloud mapping and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) acceleration will be presented. By utilizing a branch convolutional neural network (B-CNN) model, the "zoom-in" equivalent property results in favorable positioning accuracy and successful real-time implementation. Furthermore, deep neural networks can also be utilized to predict the iteration outcomes from the bundle adjustment (BA) in SLAM and achieve the same level of accuracy in a much shorter period.

13:30 - 13:45 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0561
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1001-O001
Shao-Kui Zhou Development of the Head-mounted Display Based on Curved Holographic Waveguide Combiner
Shao-Kui Zhou, Wen-Kai Lin, National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Yuan-Yan Liang, Wei-Chia Su, National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan)

This study proposed an HMD based on curved holographic waveguide which consists of a cylindrical curved glass waveguide and two HOEs. A suitable coupling direction is selected to construct the cylindrical curved waveguide display. Astigmatism aberration induced by the cylindrical curved waveguide is compensated by the cylindrical lens. The FOV of this system achieve to 11.02° in the horizontal direction and 24.28° in the vertical direction.

13:45 - 14:00 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0814
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1001-O002
TING-WEI HUANG A liquid crystal lens set in augmented reality systems and virtual reality systems for rapidly varifocal images and vision correction
TING-WEI HUANG, HAO-HSIN HUANG, YU-JEN WANG, YI-HSIN LIN, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

The major challenges of augmented reality (AR) systems and virtual reality(VR) systems are varifocal images for vergence accommodation conflict (VAC) and vision corrections. We design a liquid crystal (LC) lens set consisting of three LC lenses for varifocal images and vision corrections in AR and VR. Four operating modes of such a LC lens set present three electrically tunable lens powers:0, -0.79,-2,and-3.06 diopters. We also demonstrate AR and VR systems by adopting the LC lens set to exhibit functions of varifocal images and vision corrections which enable to solve VAC as well as vision problem in AR and VR.

14:00 - 14:15 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0356
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1001-O003
Ssu-Chia He Single-shot three-dimensional face detection based on fringe projection incoherent digital holography
Ssu-Chia He, Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering (Taiwan); Yu-Chih Lin, Che-We Chen, Department of Photonics (Taiwan); Han-Yen Tu, Department of Electrical Engineering (Taiwan); Chau-Jern Cheng, Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering (Taiwan)

We propose a novel method of single-shot fringe projection incoherent digital holography to perform three-dimensional (3-D) diffused face detection. Preliminary results show that the combination of incoherent digital holography and fringe projection profilometry can perform wide field of view and fast 3-D surface imaging of a simulating facial model under incoherent or white light source illumination.

14:15 - 14:30 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0165
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1001-O004
Po-Han Chiu Computation-Guided Design of Diffractive Waveguide for Augmented Reality Display
Po-Han Chiu, Szu-Ta Chien, Ji-Ping Sheng, Taipei Tech (Taiwan); Ting-Wei Huang, Chien-Yi Huang, Wen-Chang Hung, ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC (Taiwan); Yu-Chieh Cheng, Taipei Tech (Taiwan)

We have described the design process of the diffractive waveguide for augmented reality display, capturing the link between the ray-tracing result and the choice of the grating structure. Our design process uses computation-guided rules derived from ray-tracing and diffraction theory, which produces designs that fulfill critical requirements such as field of view, high diffraction efficiency, image uniformity, and a compact layout. Practically, we have designed a display with over 40 degrees field of view and with a 12 by 10 mm eye box. Furthermore, the design process is robust and applicable to most AR design architectures.

14:30 - 14:45 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0588
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1001-O005
Chung Hsuan Hsiao Full-colour volume holographic waveguide for augmented reality application
Chung Hsuan Hsiao, Wan Lin Lin, Zi Fan Chen, Shiuan Huei Lin, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Vera Marinova, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), Bulgarian Academy of Science (Bulgaria); K. Y. Hsu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

In this paper, we demonstrate design and operation principle of holographic waveguide for augmented reality by using volume holographic optical element (VHOEs). The optical experiments have been performed to demonstrate our recursive inference. Then, we propose a novel optical scheme to increase the field of view of a full-color VHOE-based waveguide with 2D eye-box expansion.

14:45 - 15:00 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0608
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1001-O006
Che-Heng Kuo Resolution Optimization Analysis for Near-Eye Light Field Display
Che-Heng Kuo, Yu-Hong Huang, Chih-Hung Chen, Yeh-Wei Yu, Tsung-Hsun Yang, Ching-Cherng Sun, National Central University (Taiwan)

We apply light field technique for our mixed reality (MR) glasses design. For light field display, resolution loss is a major issue we need to conquer. In this study, preliminary experiment for light field design is presented, and an important condition for light field resolution analysis is also proposed.


S10. Metaverse Photonics

Metaverse Photonics II
Friday, Dec. 2, 2022  15:15-17:00
Presider: Yao-Wei Huang、You-Chia Chang
Room: 2F A206
15:15 - 15:30 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0711
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1002-O001
Chun-Ting Wu Polarizer-free and electrically controllable liquid crystal ambient-light modulator
Chun-Ting Wu, Ko-Ting Cheng, National Central University (Taiwan)

We propose two kinds of polarizer-free and electrically controllable liquid crystal (LC) ambient-light modulator with different dynamic tunable ranges, 6.86%-37.5% and 0.27% and 12.37%, in visible wavelength. The key mechanism is the guest-host effect of dichroic dyes and LCs. The former can be a dimmer for AR glasses and the latter a modulator for switching glasses between AR and VR.

15:30 - 15:45 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0803
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1002-O002
Yang-Kuan Tseng Waveguide-based Augmented Reality Devices Design using Hybrid Rigorous Coupled-wave Analysis and Ray-tracing Method
Yang-Kuan Tseng, Tsung-Xian Lee, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

We propose a hybrid approach combining the rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA) and the Monte Carlo ray-tracing method to design augmented reality (AR) devices. Any situation with both geometric rays and diffracted waves conditions can quickly obtain theoretical results to reduce the cost of trial-and-error and increase research efficiency.

15:45 - 16:00 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0655
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1002-O003
Yu-Chien Wang Analytical solution for the trade-off between the wavelength selectivity and the angular selectivity
Yu-Chien Wang, Yu-Hong Huang, Yeh-Wei Yu, Tsung-Hsun Yang, Ching-Cherng Sun, Chih-Hung Chen, Chih-Yuan Cheng, National Central University (Taiwan)

In this study, the Volume Hologram being an Interference of the Lights emitted from elementary Light Sources (VOHIL) is used to build the numerical model of the volume holographic optical element, which can accurately predict the trade-off between the wavelength selectivity and the angular selectivity. And we also validate each other with the experimental results and the simulation results.

16:00 - 16:15 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0539
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1002-O004
Guan-Yu Zhu Deep Leaning Based Eye Tracking using in Light Field Image Display
Guan-Yu Zhu, Yeh-Wei Yu, Tsung-Hsun Yang, Ching-Cherng Sun, Tzu-Kai Wang, National Central University (Taiwan)

We propose a brand new eye tracking technique that is applied to the light-field based near-eye display. The convolution neural network (CNN) is used to predict the glaze point of eye (x-direction pixel, y-direction pixel). A formula is proposed to calculate the depth of the eye (d_e). By exploiting de, we can produce more precise light field image of MR device. Moreover, the information of the glaze point can provide optional operation method of MR device.

16:15 - 16:30 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0381
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1002-O005
Cing-Ran syu Using PointNet2 to Perform Field Analysis on the Point Cloud
Cing-Ran syu, Yeh-Wei Yu, Tzu-Kai Wang, Ching-Cherng Sun, Tsung-Hsun Yang, National central university (Taiwan)

PointNet2 can classify and semantically segment point cloud. We will use PointNet2 to learn the matrix space for point cloud. Learning how machine learning works and focus on segmentation for object.Finally, divide the object into different parts and mark them.

16:30 - 16:45 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0513
Paper No.  2022-FRI-S1002-O006
Ling-Chia Huang High-efficiency NIR metalens via i-line photolithography with photoresist trimming for resolution enhancement
Ling-Chia Huang, Peichen Yu, Yu-Teng Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We investigate resolution enhancement technology of a near infrared metalens. First, we make a near-infrared light metalens, then using a simple and efficient fabrication by trimming PR method with oxygen plasma. Finally, photoresist trimming for resolution enhancement technology could increase the focusing efficiency from 6.1% to 45.1%, and also push the resolution limit from 350 nm to 260 nm on i-line stepper.


S10. Metaverse Photonics

Metaverse Photonics III
Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022  10:45-12:00
Presider: Cheng-Huan Chen、Huang-Ming Chen
Room: 2F A206
10:45 - 11:15
Manuscript ID.  0780
Paper No.  2022-SAT-S1003-I001
Invited Speaker:
Yao-Wei Huang
Large-scale RGB-achromatic Metalens for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Yao-Wei Huang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

It has become possible to manipulate light spectrally and spatially on demand at wavelength scale with the development of metasurfaces in recent years. However, large-scale penetration of achromatic metasurface-based metalens are current challenges. Here, I report our recent developments of dispersion-engineered metasurfaces and centimeter-scale diameter RGB-achromatic metalens by using inverse-design method. We demonstrate virtual reality and augmented reality platforms by using our RGB-achromatic metalens with a fiber scanning near-eye display or a laser-illuminated micro liquid crystal display. Such large-scale meta-optics opens a new paradigm for applications and inspire a vision for a future in which meta-optics will be widely used.

11:15 - 11:30
Manuscript ID.  0073
Paper No.  2022-SAT-S1003-O001
Chien-Chung Tsai Investigation of Laser Ablation on Si3N4 Film by Using Unsupervised Machine Learning in CMOS-MEMS Process
Chien-Chung Tsai, Chih-Chun Chan, Ming-Jie Syu, Hao-Hsin Gao, Mingshin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

This work proposes a brand new approaching for the laser ablation study of Si3N4 film based upon unsupervised learning in CMOS-MEMS process. The study demonstrates the interval time is the dominant role on laser ablation quality. There are four classes for this task by k-means algorithm. While the interval time is larger than 60s, the mean of laser ablation quailty(reb) is more than 82%. The interval time is lower than 40s which reb is less than 71%. The result shows energy 0.318mJ, pulse shots 3 times, and pad position right gets the more reb compared to other conditions.

11:30 - 11:45
Manuscript ID.  0828
Paper No.  2022-SAT-S1003-O002
Po-Han Chiu An online application for designing diffractive waveguide see-through display with glasses-like form-factor
Po-Han Chiu, National Taipei Univeristy of Technology (Taiwan); Wen-Chang Hung, ASUSTek COMPUTER INC (Taiwan); Yu-Chieh Cheng, National Taipei Univeristy of Technology (Taiwan)

Diffractive waveguide display, which has shown promising results in the field of Metaverse, provides thin and light optical solutions for augmented reality devices. While the design of diffractive combiners, which requires the designer to consider both optically and mechanically, is a challenging task for engineers who barely learn the knowledge of diffractive optics, thus complicating the design process and slowing down the iterative development. Based on the design principle of diffractive optics, we have developed a handy online application to design the layout of diffractive combiners with pupil expansions.

11:45 - 12:00
Manuscript ID.  0872
Paper No.  2022-SAT-S1003-O003
Tsai-Yi Chen Uniformity Calibration on Color Display
Tsai-Yi Chen, Tsung-Hsun Yang, Yeh-Wei Yu, Ching-Cherng Sun, National Central University (Taiwan)

In metaverse photonics, all the contents might be presented in a micro display for further projection. This work explores the calibration process on the brightness uniformity for the micro-display. Here, the calibration is extensive down to pixel-wise such that all the image contents could be reprojected onto human retina with high quality for metaverse applications.


S10. Metaverse Photonics

Poster Session I
Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022  14:00-16:00
Room: 3F TR-A318
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0473
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P1001-P001
zih fan chen Compensation of color breaking in a holographic-optical-element based augmented reality display
zih fan chen, Shiuan Huei Lin, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Vera Marinova, Bulgarian Academy of Science (Bulgaria), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Ken Y. Hsu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

In this paper, we present the feasibility of compensation of color breaking in a holographic-optical-element based augmented reality (AR) display. We first build up a theoretic optical model of the AR display system to evaluate the color breaking of displayed white image from the user’s point of view. During the calculation, the color coordinate of each pixel of projected virtual image can be obtained. Therefore, based on those calculated results, we propose a color correction algorithm by applying a pre-compensation scheme to the R/G/B values of each display pixel. This method enables the full-color image in AR system applications.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0815
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P1001-P002
Wei-Cheng Cheng Vision Correction via Electrically Tunable Liquid Crystal Lens for Near-Eye Display System
Wei-Cheng Cheng, Yi-Hsin Lin, Yu-Jen Wang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Victor Reshetnyak, Taras Shevchenko National University (Ukraine); Chuan-Chung Chang, Fu-Ming Chuang, Coretronic Corporation (Taiwan)

The vision correction for near-eye display by using an electrically tunable lens based on the spatially extended LC lens is demonstrated in this paper. For the first time, we found that the spatially extended LC lens shows the spatially distribution in lens power ranging from +3.25D to -3.25D. The surprising results give LC lenses an insightful aspect and overrule the traditional statement of the limitation of lens power set by the optical phase difference in gradient-index LC lenses. It also paves a way in ophthalmic applications.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0342
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P1001-P003
Xiao-Ching Lin Design of large FOV AR display based on combination of holographic light guides
Xiao-Ching Lin, National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan); Wen-Kai Lin, Shao-Kui Zhou, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan); Wei-Chia Su, National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan)

In this study, the proposed near-eye display (NED) system is composed of two holographic waveguides with wavelength multiplexing. Each holographic waveguide is designed to offer half FOV for the whole system. After combination of these two waveguides, rhe NED system FOV can reach 50°×20.71° (H×V).

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0382
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P1001-P004
Yuan-Yan Liang Large FOV Maxwellian view display based on holographic waveguide
Yuan-Yan Liang, National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan); Shao-Kui Zhou, Wen-Kai Lin, National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Wei-Chia Su, National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan)

A Maxwellian-view display based on HOE with large FOV is proposed. The HMD system can provide information from mask and image will not defocus when observer focus on different distance. The FOV of the demonstration system can reach 39.38 °×56.83° (H×V).

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0670
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P1001-P005
Yu-Ci Huang Electrically tunable focusing liquid crystal lenses based on multiple-zone and three-dimensional curved electrodes
Yu-Ci Huang, Ching-An Chih, National Central University (Taiwan); Shao-Che Sun, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Cheng-Kai Liu, National Central University (Taiwan); Guo-Dung Su, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Ko-Ting Cheng, National Central University (Taiwan)

In this study, the research topic is the electrically tunable focusing large aperture liquid crystal lens with three-zone and three-dimensional curved electrodes. The three-dimensional curved electrodes are designed by separating the ideal phase profile into three zones according to the structures of Fresnel lenses, and the optical path difference between any two adjacent zones of the three-dimensional electrode is an integer multiple of 2π. The performances of the LC lens, such as the electrically tunable focus, response time, and others, are also discussed.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0810
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P1001-P006
HAO-HSIN HUANG Image-based polarization detection and material recognition
HAO-HSIN HUANG, WEI-HSIANG JEN, YU-JEN WANG, HUAI-AN HSIEH, YI-HSIN LIN, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); PO-LUN CHEN, General Interface Solution Holding Ltd. (Taiwan)

We demonstrate a single-shot and image-based polarization detection system for material recognition. The stokes parameters are measured under a single-shot measurement using 4 electrically tunable liquid crystal wave plates, 4 polarizers and 4 camera modules. The optical principle is introduced and the experiments are performed. We also use a metallic plate and a glass substrate to demonstrate the material recognition. The impact of this study is to provide a practical way in image-based polarization detection in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems for material recognition which could help in driving safety.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0716
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P1001-P007
Lian-Chun Huang Red-Orange Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Organic Light-Emitting Diode by Solution Process
Lian-Chun Huang, Chia-Hsun Chen, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Bo-Yen Lin, National Dong Hwa University (Taiwan); Keruckienė Rasa, Gražulevičius Juozas Vidas, Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania); Tien-Lung Chiu, Yuan Ze University (Taiwan); Jiun-Haw Lee, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

In this research, we demonstrated a red-orange organic light emitting diode (OLED) through solution
process by incorporating a novel synthesized thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) emitter. By
optimizing the thermal annealing duration of emitting layer, the maximum current efficiency of 0.83 cd/A, emission
peak wavelength of 590 nm and CIE coordinates of (0.49, 0.45) can be achieved.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0581
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P1001-P008
Zi-Wen Su High Efficiency green thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Organic Light-Emitting Diode based on Carbazole-derivative host material
Zi-Wen Su, Chia-Hsun Chen, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Bo-Yen Lin, National Dong Hwa University (Taiwan); Karolis Leitonas, Matas Guzauskas, Juoza Vidas Grazulevicius, Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania); Tien-Lung Chiu, Yuan Ze University (Taiwan); Jiun-Haw Lee, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

In this research, a novel green thermally activated delayed fluorescence organic lighting-emitting diode(TADF) material based on Carbazole-derivative was synthesized and employed as high efficiency organic light-emitting diode (OLED). By using the 4CzIPN doped in the new green TADF host, maximum external quantum efficiency (EQE) reached 10.44% with CIE coordinates of (0.2792, 0.5784).

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0583
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P1001-P009
Yuan-Zhen Zhuang High Efficiency Blue Triplet-Triplet Annihilation OLED based on Pyrene derivative with Different Dopant Concentration
Yuan-Zhen Zhuang, Chia-Hsun Chen, Chi-Chi Chang, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Bo-Yen Lin, National Dong Hwa University (Taiwan); Man-Kit Leung, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Tien-Lung Chiu, Yuan Ze University (Taiwan); Jiun-Haw Lee, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

In this research, a new triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA) emitter based on pyrene derivative was synthesized and employed as the host material for high efficiency blue organic light-emitting diode (OLED). By optimizing the dopant concentration of fluorescent emitter in the emitting layer (EML), the maximum external quantum efficiency (EQEmax) of 6.93% with CIE coordinates of (0.136, 0.192) can be achieved. The time-resolved electroluminescence measurement revealed that the highest delayed emission ratio of 20% contributed to device efficiency.

Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0518
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P1001-P010
Chun-Yen Chou Implementation of meta-gratings for augmented reality (AR) glasses using double patterning with KrF photolithography
Chun-Yen Chou, Peichen Yu, Yu-Teng Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

In our research, we design three gratings to realize the AR glasses at wavelength 520nm. Besides that, we optimize the structure of grating to obtain uniform output efficiency. However, slant grating is difficult to fabricate through photolithography. To solve this problem, metagrating is a way to deal with it. By using double patterning technique, we succesfully build a metagrating which critical dimension reaches 50nm via KrF scanner.


Manuscript ID.  0880
Paper No.  2022-SAT-P1001-P011
Tzu‑An Chou Floating Display Based on The Freeform-mirror
Ding-Yu Zhuo, Tzu‑An Chou, Cheng-Hsun Tasi, Chih-Hao Chuang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Shu-Cheng Hsu, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan), GDPower Technology Co., Ltd (Taiwan); Chien-Yu Chen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

The aim of this study was to construct a high quality and compact floating projection system using several free-form reflectors to achieve the floating effect and correct for aberrations. The system is 13cm x 12cm x 14cm and can float an image of approximately 8cm. The final evaluation of the image quality in terms of MTF and aberration has proven that the system can achieve a high-quality floating display.


S10. Metaverse Photonics

Metaverse Photonics V
Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022  09:00-10:45
Presider: Chia-Yen Huang、Chun-Ta Wang
Room: 2F A206
09:00 - 09:30
Manuscript ID.  0909
Paper No.  2022-SUN-S1005-I001
Invited Speaker:
Richard Hu
Fully automated solution for metalenses/metasurfaces with inverse design capability
Richard Hu, Synopsys (Taiwan)

Metalenses are a promising new optical technology with applications in AR/VR, biomedical imaging, and wearable consumer electronics. Owing to their planar profiles and versatility, they allow for a dramatic miniaturization of existing optical systems while realizing complex new optical functions. MetaOptic Designer, a fully automated design tool has been developed using inverse design techniques adapted for systems containing cascaded metasurfaces with arbitrary configurations of parameterized meta-atoms. The optimized layout is obtained automatically based on specified target functions. The performance of the optimized metalens system can then be validated by different simulation approaches. Several design examples will be presented to demonstrate the capability and usability of this powerful design flow.

09:30 - 10:00
Manuscript ID.  0911
Paper No.  2022-SUN-S1005-I002
Invited Speaker:
Chuan-Chung Chang
Tradeoff and system consideration for AR optical engine
Chuan-Chung Chang, Coretronic Corporation (Taiwan)

Comparison from technical to performance for different optical configuration, micro display panel and optical combiner will be given during the talks, which focus on AR optical engine to glasses especially. Several AR HMD and Glasses will be illustrated as example, and newest process in industry will be included also.

10:00 - 10:15
Manuscript ID.  0877
Paper No.  2022-SUN-S1005-O001
Jian-Yu Chen Gaussian Belief Propagation for Bundle Adjustment with Neural Network
Jian-Yu Chen, Yu-Siang Feng, Han-Chun Wang, Chih-Wei Huang, National Central University (Taiwan); Jann-Long Cheng, National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan)

Bundle adjustment (BA) is the major optimization step which simultaneously refines 3D coordinates and accounts for a large portion of execution time in visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Recent solutions adopting iterative and originally slow Gaussian belief propagation (GBP) show its potential to be fast and accurate on emerging computation platforms. We propose a novel GBP-Learning architecture with deep neural networks to avoid the dependency of an arbitrary damping factor for GBP to be stabilized. Moreover, compared with standard GBP, the learning-based approach achieves the same level of accuracy while running 17.7 times faster under GPU acceleration.

10:15 - 10:30
Manuscript ID.  0876
Paper No.  2022-SUN-S1005-O002
Xi-Wen Chen MR Application Accelerated by A Client-Server Architecture
Xi-Wen Chen, Jian-Yu Chen, Chih-Wei Huang, National Central University (Taiwan); Jann-Long Cheng, National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan)

A client-server architecture for mixed-reality communication between the real world and a virtual object is proposed. We demonstrate the framework combined with text spotting model on HoloLens 2 so that the devices can receive the surrounding information to improve user experiments. Finally, our experiment results show that the client-server framework can provide on average 0.77 seconds of computational time per frame, which is not only 11.8 times faster than the client-only framework but also achieves near real-time computation. Moreover, the hardware usage of the client-side can be reduced to half of the client-only framework.